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Glycolysis PPT & PDF Download - Agrobotany

Glycolysis is a common stage in Aerobic & anaerobic respiration. Its also known as the EMP pathway (Embden Meyerhoff Parness)
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*Glycolysis is a common stage in Aerobic & anaerobic respiration. It is also known as the EMP pathway (Embden Meyerhoff Parness). 

* In this process each molecule of glucose breaks down by biochemicals into 2 molecules of Pyruvic acid.

*This reaction takes place in the Cytoplasm. Where starch or other carbohydrates are converted into glucose before their utilization in this process. 


This process can be divided into 2 phases:

1st Phase: Consumption of ATP
2nd Phase: Production of ATP   

1st Phase: Consumption of ATP 

1.) Glucose is a fairly stable compound so the Activation of glucose is necessary to break it. This activation is done by PO4 molecules attached to it and forms Glucose-6-Phosphate. This PO4 (Phosphate) molecule is provided by ATP and the enzyme is Hexokinase with an activator Mg+.
Glucose → Glucose-6-Phosphate.
2.) Glucose-6-Phosphate under Isomerization forms Fructose-6-Phosphate without any change in energy level. The enzyme is Phosphohexose Isomerase
Glucose-6-Phosphate →→ Fructose-6-Phosphate
Phosphohexose Hexokinase
3.)  Fructose-6-Phosphate  again undergoes phosphorylation to form Fructose 1, 6-diphosphate. Again one PO4(Phosphate) molecule is provided by ATP and the enzyme which catalyzes this reaction is Phospho hexokinase.
Fructose-6-Phosphate Fructose 1, 6-diphosphate
Phospho hexokinase
In the first phase, there is a loss of 2ATP.

2nd Phase: Production of ATP 

4.)  This fructose 1, 6-diphosphate (6C) gets split into two 3-carbon compounds. in the presence of the Aldolase enzyme.
(i) 3-PG Ald. (3-Phospho glyceraldehyde) [PGAL] a 3-carbon compound. Also, Known as glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate
(ii) DAP (Dihydroxy Acetone Phosphate) ketone one molecule and 3C. 
Fructose 1, 6-diphosphate → 3-PGAL + DAP
5.)  Due to the isomerase enzyme the DAP is converted into 3-PG Ald. therefore 2 molecules of PGAL are obtained. 
Dihydroxy Acetone Phosphate → 3-Phospho glyceraldehyde
5.5)  Simultaneously 3-PG Ald. Undergoes Phosphorylation and oxidative di-hydrogenation to form 1, 3-DGA (1,3-Diphospho glyceric acid). Here PO4 molecules are provided by H3PO4. At the same time, two hydrogens are released by PG Ald. and received by NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide). The Enzyme is Phosphotrias dehydrogenase.
NAD ⤻           
1,3-Diphospho glyceric acid → 3-Phospho glyceraldehyde 
Phosphotrias dehydrogenase
6.)  1, 3-DPGA (1,3-Diphospho glyceric acid) transfers its phosphate with high energy bound to ADP and forms 3-PGA (3-Phosphoglyceric acid) in the presence of phosphor glyceryl kinase.
1,3-Diphospho glyceric acid → 3-Phosphoglyceric acid
phospho glyceryl kinase
7.)  3-PGA undergoes internal rearrangement and forms 2-PGA (phospho glyceric acid) in the presence of phospho-glyceromutase
3-Phosphoglyceric acid → 2-Phosphoglyceric acid
8.)  The molecule of 2-PGA is dehydrated to form the high-energy compound Phosphoenol Pyruvic acid. The enzyme is Enolase
Mg++    -2H20
2-Phosphoglyceric acid  → Phosphoenol Pyruvic acid
9.)  The PO4 molecules are transferred from Phosphoenol Pyruvic acid to ADP to form another ADP molecule. The result compound formed is Pyruvic acid in the presence of Pyruvate kinase. ultimately 2 molecules of Pyruvic acid formed from one glucose molecule. 
Phosphoenol Pyruvic acid → Pyruvic acid
Pyruvate kinase
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Net Products of Glycolysis

Energy consumption - 2ATP
Energy production forms 1 molecule of PGAL - 2 ATP (in the 6th & 9th step) and 1 NADH2
Energy production form 2 molecule of PGAL - 4 ATP (in the 6th & 9th step) and 2 NADH2
Since 1 NADH2 = 3 ATPs
So ultimately 8 ATP molecules get in this process. 
And 2 molecules of Pyruvic acid (partially oxidised) and further will be oxidised through the link and Kreb's cycle. 

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I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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