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Chemiosmosis involves the movement of ions across the membrane of mitochondria (inner membrane ) resulting in an electrochemical gradient generated that drives the ATP synthesis.
In eukaryotes, the chemiosmosis takes place in mitochondria. But in prokaryotes, this process occurs in plasma (cell membrane).
The ions which have been released from complexes 1,2 and 4 of the Electron Transport System enter into the inner membrane of mitochondria.
The movement of ions in the inner membrane is like osmosis. Because the protons incite the ion to move an area of higher area of concentration to an Area of low concentration. Nevertheless, both processes (osmosis and chemiosmosis) need the help of a gradient. In the case of osmosis, an osmotic gradient is helpful and in the case of chemiosmosis, the electrochemical gradient special proton gradient is helpful.
Chemiosmosis does not require much chemical energy (e.g. ATP) to transport specific ions. In chemiosmosis, the formation of an ion gradient leads to the generation of potential energy that is sufficient to drive the process.
The chemiosmotic theory is given by Peter D. Mitchell (1961).
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Mechanism of Chemiosmosis
1. The hydrogen ions are released from high-energy carriers like NADH & FADH2. The NADH give an electron to complex 1 and FADH2 give an electron to complex 2 by which these hydrogen ions inner membrane. The energy of electrons is stored as an electrochemical gradient.
2. During the movement of electrons from low concentration to high concentration, energy is released. The ATP synthase enzyme uses this energy with phosphorylate ADP, to form ATP on the stroma.
End product
The chemiosmosis and electron Transport Systems are correlated with each other so that their end product will also same.
32 ATP is produced in oxidative phosphorylation.
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