Frequently Asked Question

In Hindi; परिचय
What is the Anther Culture or Pollen Culture?
Pollen: Pollen is a powdery substance produced by flowers of seed plants.
Pollen culture refers to the production of haploids plants through in-vitro cultivation of Pollen. While in anther culture haploids plants obtained through in-vitro cultivation of anther.
It consists of pollen grains (highly reduced microgametophytes), which produce male gametes (sperm cells). Pollen grains contain a haploid set of chromosomes and are used for haploid plants.
In the culture medium, haploids can be identified in three ways. Viz, by cytological studies at callus stages at the plant level, biochemical studies and marker genes linked with haploidy.
Anther culture is also known as the Pollen Culture
History of Pollen Culture
In Hindi;पराग संवर्धन का इतिहास
In 1963, Yamada et al. First obtained haploid callus from anther culture of Tradescantia reflexa.
In 1964, Guha and Maheshwari induced haploid embryos from pollen grains.
In 1967, Bourgin and Nitsch first obtained mature flowering plants from pollen culture in N. tobaccum and N. sylvestris.
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Process of Anther culture
In Hindi;परागकोश संवर्धन की प्रक्रिया:
Selection of buds
Sterilization of Selected bud
Isolation of anther
Placing in the nutrient medium
Culturing under controlled conditions
Callus formation
Development of plantlets & transfer to the pots
In Hindi; महत्व
It's useful in the development of haploids.
By doubling the chromosome number of haploids we get homozygous diploids.
Factor affecting Anther culture
In Hindi; पराग कल्चर को प्रभावित करने वाले कारक
The important factors which influence the success of anther culture include genotype, age of bud size of anther, Stage of pollen, pre-treatment of anther, Culture medium, Growth regulator, Environmental factor, and anther wall.
Generally, the buds from the first flush of the flower show a better response than those which develop subsequently.
Anther culture should be taken from younger plants.
Application of Anther culture
In Hindi; पराग संवर्धन के अनुप्रयोग
Important applications of anther culture include the development of haploids, easy for handling, recovery of male parent, Selection of mutants, development of asexual lines of trees or perennial species, genetic transformation, alien addition and substitution lines and QTL mapping.
In Hindi; सीमाएँ
There are Some Limitations of anther culture technique such as high cost, requirements of high technical skill, Gametoclonal variation, low success rate, albino formation, difficulty in isolation of haploids, difficulty in chromosome doubling, etc.
In Hindi; उपलब्धियों
Haploids have been developed by pollen culture in several crop plants such as wheat, Barley, rice, potato etc.
In Japan, an excellent commercial variety of Tabacco N. Tabaccum has been developed by anther culture. This variety is resistant to wilt and has mild smoking quality.
In China, 81 varieties and strains of rice have been developed through anther culture.
In Europe, the Rice variety Mariana and wheat variety florin and tobacco variety Bio preslavana have been developed.
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Pundhan Singh. 2016. Objectives Plant biotechnology. Kalyani publishes, New Delhi.