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Personality Development PPT | Factor Affecting, Need & 15 Tips for Personality Development | PDF Download - Agrobotany

Personality Development, Needs of Personality Development, Factor Influencing the Development of Personality, 15 Tips for Personality Development.
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Personality Development
Personality Development definition
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Personality Development
Factor Influencing the Development of Personality
Factor Influencing the Development of Personality
Factor Influencing the Development of Personality.
Factor Influencing the Development of Personality.
Needs of Personality Development
Needs of Personality Development
Needs of Personality Development
15 Tips for Personality Development
15 Tips for Personality Development
15 Tips for Personality Development
15 Tips for Personality Development
15 Tips for Personality Development


The word personality originated from a Latin word, 'persona' which means a mask which was used by the actors to change their appearance.

Usually, personality refers to the outlook of an individual but in reality, it consists of several elements viz. Personal appearance, dress, manner, speech, knowledge, Intelligence, habits, attitude, aptitude, etc.


1. Personality is a set of all the traits or qualities of a person that make him/her distinct from others.

2. Personality is the sum of activities that can be discovered by actual observation over a long enough period to give reliable information. (Watson{1930})

3. Personality is the more or less stable and enduring organization of a person's character, temperament, intellect and physique which determine his unique adjustment to the environment. [Fysenk (1971)]

Personality Development

Personality Development is related to enhancing personality traits or elements. Which is described below the definition.

1. Personality Development is a continuous iterative process in which one can refine or polish his/her persona building the best possible image.

2. Personality Development dynamic process that encompasses the destruction of bad characters and the construction of good ones to be Distinguished.

The ultimate object of Personality Development is making the best version of oneself.

Factor Influencing the Development of Personality.

In this world, everyone has a unique personality which is highly influenced by several factors. these factors can determine the type of personality and make an individual distinct from others. Some of these factors are described below:

Heredity & Family Influence:

The offspring inherit most of the personality traits of their parents and forefathers. These Personality traits can be shaped by family dynamics, parenting styles, and familial values.


The environment is the main factor that can influence the other factors of personality. After birth, the child is exposed to so many environmental forces. These are of two types:
Physical Force: it includes climate, food, physical atmosphere of home, school/college, village/town etc.
Social or Cultural Force: it includes parents, family members, friends, teachers, society, means of man's communication, clubs, libraries etc.

Cultural environment

Personality is also determined by the cultural atmosphere. The personality of defence personnel differs from that of civil society as a soldier is more punctual and disciplined than common people. Culture is of two types-
Material culture which includes physical resources like instruments implements electronic goods etc.
Non-material culture is mainly concerned with values, customs, traditional attitudes etc. Both cultures make a difference in personality.

Economic Status:

Socioeconomic factors, including financial stability, can affect opportunities and experiences that shape personality.

Physical Constitution:

Physical constitution like height, weight, strength, self-confidence, courage, facial expression etc. also make a difference in personalities.

Biological Factors:

It encompasses bodily structure and health neurotransmitter levels, IQ (Intelligence Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient), and Brain Structure.

Overall there are so many other factors like Economic Status, Media and Technology, Trauma and Stress, Life Experiences, Education and Learning system, that can influence or determine the personality of an individual

Needs of Personality Development:

The need for personality development is paramount in both personal and professional spheres. Cultivating a well-rounded personality brings forth numerous benefits, including:

Enhanced Communication Skills:

Personality development fosters effective communication, a crucial skill in building successful relationships, whether at work or in personal life.

Improved Self-Confidence:

Through self-awareness and skill-building, personality development contributes to increased self-confidence, empowering individuals to face challenges with resilience.

Better Interpersonal Relationships:

A developed personality enables individuals to understand and connect with others on a deeper level, fostering positive and meaningful relationships.

Professional Success:

In the workplace, a strong personality is often correlated with leadership qualities, adaptability, and the ability to work collaboratively, leading to career advancement.

Emotional Intelligence:

Personality development enhances emotional intelligence, enabling individuals to navigate complex social situations with empathy and understanding.


Developing one's personality includes acquiring adaptability skills, allowing individuals to thrive in diverse environments and handle change effectively.

Stress Management:

A well-developed personality equips individuals with coping mechanisms to manage stress and navigate challenges more effectively.

Positive Impact on Mental Health:

Personality development contributes to overall mental well-being by promoting self-reflection and fostering a positive self-image.

Continuous Growth:

Embracing personality development is an acknowledgement of the importance of lifelong learning and growth, encouraging individuals to evolve and refine themselves continuously.

Ethical Decision-Making:

A developed personality often aligns with strong ethical values, guiding individuals to make principled decisions in various aspects of life.

15 Tips for Personality Development

If you wanna evolve your personality then give a try to the following tips.

1. Self-Reflection:

Regularly take time to reflect on your thoughts, actions, and emotions. Self-awareness is the foundation of personality development. Praise yourself alone if you did well, It boosts your self-esteem.

2. Set Realistic Goals:

Establish achievable and meaningful goals for personal and professional growth. This provides direction and motivation.

3. Continuous Learning:

Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning. Always seek learning opportunities, and make yourself worthy to achieve your goal.

Stay curious, explore new topics, and acquire new skills to broaden your knowledge base.

4. Effective Communication:

Practice active listening and work on expressing your thoughts clearly and confidently. Good communication is key to building strong relationships and influencing others.

5. Embrace Change:

Develop adaptability and flexibility by being open to change.

Feel change, Accept change, Know change, Those who don't know the change cannot understand the true development.

This helps you navigate different situations and fosters resilience.

6. Build Confidence:

Identify (by completing the goals) and celebrate your strengths. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone gradually, building confidence over time.

7. Cultivate Empathy:

Understand others' perspectives and feelings. Empathy strengthens interpersonal connections and promotes positive relationships. Because ultimately you have to work with others.

8. Manage Stress:

Develop stress-management techniques, such as mindfulness or deep breathing exercises, to cope with challenges and maintain emotional well-being.

9. Positive Body Language:

Pay attention to your body language. Maintain eye contact, use open gestures, and stand/sit confidently to convey a positive presence.

10. Networking:

Build a strong professional network by engaging with people in your industry. Networking provides opportunities for collaboration and career growth.

11. Time Management:

Organize your time effectively. Prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and maintain a balance between work and personal life.

12. Healthy Lifestyle:

Take care of your physical well-being through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep. A healthy body positively impacts mental health.

13. Seek Feedback:

Request constructive feedback from peers, mentors, or colleagues. Use this input to identify areas for improvement and growth.

14. Stay Positive:

Cultivate a positive mindset. Focus on solutions rather than problems, and surround yourself with positivity.

15. Practice Gratitude:

Regularly express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life. This mindset shift can improve overall well-being.
Remember, personality development is a continuous journey, and small, consistent efforts can lead to significant positive changes over time.

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Mondal Sagar,2020, Communication Skill & Personality Development,1st Ed. Kaliyani Publishers

Javatpoint, "Personality Development"

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About the Author

I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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