Table of Contents
Section A
(Very Short Type Questions)
Questions of CCSU
Question 1: Citrus canker.
प्रश्न 1:
उत्तर: सिट्रस कैंकर एक सिट्रस रोग है जो ज़ैंथोमोनस सिट्री जीवाणु के कारण होता है। लक्षण पूरे पौधे पर भूरे रंग के घावों के रूप में दिखाई देते हैं जिनके किनारे पानी से लथपथ होते हैं, और आमतौर पर घाव के चारों ओर एक पीला प्रभामंडल होता है। पुराने घाव कॉरकी दिखाई देते हैं।
Ans: Citrus canker is a citrus disease caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas citri. Symptoms appear on whole plants as brown 🟤 lesions having water-soaked margins and usually have a yellow halo surrounding the lesion. Older lesions appear corky.
A fruit infected by Citrus canker is not harmful for human consumption but has lost marketability as a fresh fruit.
Question 2: Botanical name and family of Coffee and Strawberry.
प्रश्न 2:
Botanical name of Coffee: Coffea arabica
Family of Coffee: Rubiaceae
Botanical Name of Strawberry: Fragaria ananassa
Family of Strawberry: Rosaceae
Question 3: Mango belt in Uttar Pradesh.
प्रश्न 3:
Ans: India is the largest producer of mango in the world with a 50% contribution to the global mango output. Lucknow, Pratapgarh, Hardoi, Saharanpur, Barabanki and Sitapur are known as the mango belt of Uttar Pradesh.
Question 4: Propagation of Ber.
प्रश्न 4:
Ans: At the commercial level Ber propagated vegetatively by ring budding or I and T ( Shield ) budding. Seeds of ber can also be an option for Propagation but it shows inferior fruit quality. Ring budding should be done in March and I or T (Shield) budding in July-August. Rootstock is used to prepare grafted plants.
Question 5: Scab disease of Apple.
प्रश्न 5:
Causal organism: Venturia inaequalis
Scab of Apple is a serious disease of Apple mainly found in Kashmir. The yellow 🟡 or chlorotic spots Symptoms appear on leaves, fruit, flowers and twigs. In the beginning, the small spots seem on the lower surface of the leaves. The growth of infected fruit stopped and afterwards, they fell.
Apply 0.02% Bavistin or 0.03% Dithanem M-45 chemical, first spray at the fruiting stage, Second spray after 3 weeks of completing fruit, and last spray 3 weeks before fruit harvesting.
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Section B
(Short Type Questions)
Questions of CCSU
Question 6: Splitting in litchi fruits and its control.
प्रश्न 6:
Ans: The yield of litchi is affected by many physiological disorders, fruit drop and fruit cracking are serious or commonly occurring disorders.
Fruit Drop: This disorder may occur due to (a). Internal factors i.e. Failure of Fertilization, Embryo abortion, Nutrients or hormonal imbalance especially auxins b). External factors i.e. fruit borer, heavy mite attack, westerly winds, low humidity and high temperature etc.
Fruit Cracking: It's one of the serious problems of litchi cultivation. The yield loss is as high as 5- 70% due to this disorder. The fruit cracking may occur due to (a) Varietal characteristics (most Indian varieties are susceptible to fruit cracking except Swarna Roopa), Deficiencies of nutrients like calcium and boron in soil, Injury to fruit skin by pest or farm machines, Higher concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) and lower level of Gibberellins found in the fruit pericarp, Hot wind during summer and over maturity of fruits etc.
Question 7: High-density planting.
प्रश्न 7:
Ans: High-density planting technique is a modern method of fruit cultivation involving fruit trees densely, allowing small or dwarf trees with modified canopy for better light interception and distribution and ease of mechanized field operation. HDP gives a higher yield as well as return/ unit area. It is possible by regular pruning and the use of bioregulators to maintain the size and shape of the tree.
Read Full Article in Hindi & English: High-Density Planting Notes
Question 8: Rootstock and its importance.
प्रश्न 8:
Ans: Rootstock is part of the plant, often it could also be described as a plant with a well-developed root system, to which a bud from another plant is grafted.
1. It refers to a plant part, which already has an established, healthy root system, onto which a cutting or a bud from another plant is grafted.
Read the Full Answer in Hindi English Here: Rootstock and its importance.
Section C
(Long Type Questions)
Questions of CCSU
Question 9: Explain in detail the production technology of Aonla (Gooseberry) and Peach.
प्रश्न 9:
Ans: Long type questions ke Answers about Vistar se like gaye he jinhe is page par discuss karna Shambhala nahi is sabhi answer ki link niche di gaye hai.
Read Production Tech. of Aonla; Click Here:
Question 10: Describe the production technology of Tea or Cashew.
प्रश्न 10:
Ans: Long type questions ke Answers about Vistar se like gaye he jinhe is page par discuss karna Shambhala nahi is sabhi answer ki link niche di gaye hai.
Read Production Tech. of Tea; Click Here:
Question 11: Define plantation crops and discuss the importance and scope of the plantation crop industry in India
प्रश्न 11:
Ans: will Be upload
Question 12: describe the cultivation of guava, coconut, pineapple and pear in tabular form under the following headings:
i. Soil and climate requirement
ii. Improved varieties
iii. commercial propagation method
iv. planting time and distance
V. intercultural operation
vi. Major diseases and their control
प्रश्न 12:
Ans: will Be upload
Question 13: Discuss the importance of plant growth regulators in the production of fruit and plantation crops.
प्रश्न 13:
Ans: will Be upload
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