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B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) 6th Semester Syllabus | According to ICAR 5th Dean Committee

B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.) 6th Sem. Syllabus According to ICAR 5th Dean Committee
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B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) 6th Semester  Syllabus | According to ICAR 5th  Dean Committee

1.Farming System, Precision Farming & Sustainable Agriculture

Syllabus in English with Notes{Click on ME}
  • Farming system-scope, importance, and concept, types of farming systems and factors affecting types of farming, Farming system components and their maintenance, [Get Notes]
  • Cropping system and pattern, multiple cropping systems, Efficient cropping systems and their evaluation, [ Notes will be Uploaded]
  • Sustainable agriculture problems and its impact on agriculture. [ Notes will be Uploaded]
  • Conservation agriculture and residue management, [Get Notes]
  • Strategies of HEIA, LEIA and LEISA and their techniques for sustainability. [Get Notes]
  • Integrated farming system, components of IFS and its advantages, farming system and environment. [Get Notes]
  • Precision farming; concepts and techniques: their issues and concerns for Indian agriculture.[ Notes will be Uploaded]
Tools for determining productions and efficiencies in cropping and farming systems; Indicators of sustainability of cropping and Farming systems; Site specific IFS models for different agro-climatic zones; Site specific nutrient management, real time nutrient management, Visit to IFS models in different agro-climatic zones of nearby state Universities/Institutes and farmer fields.
Syllabus in Hindi
कृषि प्रणाली-दायरा, महत्व और अवधारणा, कृषि प्रणालियों के प्रकार और खेती के प्रकारों को प्रभावित करने वाले कारक, कृषि प्रणाली के घटक और उनका रखरखाव, [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
फसल प्रणाली और पैटर्न, बहु फसल प्रणाली, कुशल फसल प्रणाली और उनका मूल्यांकन, [नोट्स अपलोड किए जाएंगे]
टिकाऊ कृषि समस्याएं और कृषि पर इसका प्रभाव। [नोट्स अपलोड किए जाएंगे]
संरक्षण कृषि और अवशेष प्रबंधन, [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
HEIA, LEIA और LEISA की रणनीतियाँ और स्थिरता के लिए उनकी तकनीकें। [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
एकीकृत कृषि प्रणाली, IFS के घटक और इसके लाभ, कृषि प्रणाली और पर्यावरण। [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
सटीक खेती; अवधारणाएँ और तकनीकें: भारतीय कृषि के लिए उनके मुद्दे और चिंताएँ। [नोट्स अपलोड किए जाएंगे]
फसल और खेती प्रणालियों में उत्पादन और दक्षता निर्धारित करने के लिए उपकरण; फसल और खेती प्रणालियों की स्थिरता के संकेतक; विभिन्न कृषि-जलवायु क्षेत्रों के लिए साइट विशिष्ट IFS मॉडल; साइट विशिष्ट पोषक तत्व प्रबंधन, वास्तविक समय पोषक तत्व प्रबंधन, निकटवर्ती राज्य विश्वविद्यालयों/संस्थानों और किसानों के खेतों के विभिन्न कृषि-जलवायु क्षेत्रों में आईएफएस मॉडल का दौरा।

2. Crop Improvement-II (Rabi Crops)

Syllabus in English with Notes
  • (Topic to be discussed in following crops:) 
  • Centers of origin, distribution of species, wild relatives in different crops: Major breeding objectives and procedures including conventional and modem innovative approaches for development of hybrids and varieties for yield, adaptability, stability, abiotic and biotic stress tolerance and quality (physical, chemical, nutritional); Hybrid seed production technology.
  • Cereal
  • Wheat 
  • Pulses 
  • Chickpea: [Get Notes]
  • Oilseeds:-
  • Rapeseed: 
  • Cash crop:-
  • Sugarcane [Get Notes]
  • Vegetable crop.
  • Potato: 
  • Ideotype concept and climate resilient crop varieties for future.
  • Practical
    Floral biology, emasculation and hybridization techniques in different crop species namely Wheat, Chickpea. pea, Rapeseed Mustard, Sunflower, Tomato: Handling of germplasm and segregating populations by different methods like pedigree, bulk and single seed decent methods; Study of field techniques for seed production and hybrid seeds production in Rub/ crops: Estimation of heterosis, inbreeding depression and heritability; Layout of field experiments: Study of quality characters, study of donor parents for different characters; Visit to seed production plots; Visit to AICRP plots of different field crops.
Syllabus in Hindi
(निम्नलिखित फसलों में चर्चा किए जाने वाले विषय:)
उत्पत्ति के केंद्र, प्रजातियों का वितरण, विभिन्न फसलों में जंगली रिश्तेदार: उपज, अनुकूलनशीलता, स्थिरता, अजैविक और जैविक तनाव सहिष्णुता और गुणवत्ता (भौतिक, रासायनिक, पोषण) के लिए संकर और किस्मों के विकास के लिए पारंपरिक और आधुनिक अभिनव दृष्टिकोण सहित प्रमुख प्रजनन उद्देश्य और प्रक्रियाएं; संकर बीज उत्पादन तकनीक।
चना: [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
नकदी फसल:-
गन्ना [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
सब्जी फसल।
आइडियोटाइप अवधारणा और भविष्य के लिए जलवायु लचीला फसल किस्में।
विभिन्न फसल प्रजातियों जैसे कि गेहूँ, चना में पुष्प जीव विज्ञान, नपुंसकता और संकरण तकनीक। मटर, रेपसीड सरसों, सूरजमुखी, टमाटर: वंशावली, थोक और एकल बीज सभ्य तरीकों जैसे विभिन्न तरीकों से जर्मप्लाज्म का प्रबंधन और आबादी को अलग करना; रूब/फसलों में बीज उत्पादन और संकर बीज उत्पादन के लिए क्षेत्र तकनीकों का अध्ययन: हेटेरोसिस, अंतःप्रजनन अवसाद और आनुवंशिकता का आकलन; क्षेत्र प्रयोगों का लेआउट: गुणवत्ता वाले लक्षणों का अध्ययन, विभिन्न लक्षणों के लिए दाता माता-पिता का अध्ययन; बीज उत्पादन भूखंडों का दौरा; विभिन्न क्षेत्र फसलों के एआईसीआरपी भूखंडों का दौरा।

3.Manures, Fertilizers & Soil Fertility Management


History of soil fertility and plant nutrition, Introduction and Importance of organic manures, properties and methods of preparation of bulky and concentrated manures. Green/leaf manuring. Fertilizer recommendation approaches. Integrated nutrient management. Chemical fertilizers: classification, composition and properties of major nitrogenous, phosphatic. potassic fertilizers, secondary & micronutrient fertilizers, Complex fertilizers, Nano-fertilizers Soil amendments. Fertilizer Storage, Fertilizer Control Order., Criteria of essentiality, role. deficiency and toxicity symptoms of essential plant nutrients, Mechanisms of nutrient transport to plants, factors affecting nutrient availability to plants. Chemistry of soil nitrogen. phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, Sulphur and micronutrients. Soil fertility evaluation. Soil testing. Critical levels of

different nutrients in soil. Forms of nutrients in soil, plant analysis. rapid plant tissue tests. Indicator plants. Methods of fertilizer applications to crops. Factor Influencing nutrient use efficiency (NUE), methods of fertilizer application under rainfed and irrigated conditions.


Estimation of soil organic carbon, Estimation of available N available P, available K; available S available Ca and Mg in soils. Estimation of N. P & K in plants. manures and fertilizers. Elementary idea of determination micro nutrients- boron, Zinc and Iron.

4. Farm Management, Production & Resource Economics

Meaning and concept of farm management, objectives and relationships with other sciences. Meaning and definition of farms, its types and characteristics, factor determining types and size of farms.

Principles of farm management: concept of production function and its type, use production function in decision-making on a farm, factor-product, factor-factor and produce product relationships, law of equal-marginal returns, principles of opportunity cost and law comparative advantage.

Meaning and concept of cost, types of costs and their Interrelationships, importance of cost in managing farm business and estimation of gross farm Income, net farm income, family labour Income and farm business income.

Farm business analysis meaning and concept of farm Income and profitability, technical and economic efficiency measures in crop and livestock enterprises.

Importance of farm records and accounts in managing a farm, various types of farm records needed to maintain a farm, farm inventory, balance sheet, profit and loss accounts.

Meaning and importance of farm planning and budgeting, partial and complete budgeting, steps in farm planning and budgeting, linear programming, appraisal of farm resources, selection of crops and livestock enterprises.

Concept of risk and uncertainty in agriculture production, nature and sources of risks and its management strategies. Crop/livestock/machinery Insurance weather based crop insurance, features and determinants of compensation.

Concepts of resource economics, differences between NRE and agricultural economics, unique properties of natural resources, positive and negative externalities in agriculture, inefficiency and welfare loss, their solutions, important issues in economics and management of common property resources of land, water, pasture and forest resources etc.


5. Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops and their Management-II

Syllabus in English with Notes
  • Theory
  • Symptoms. etiology. disease cycle and management of major diseases of following crops:
  • Field Crops:
  • Wheat: Rusts, loose smut, karnal bunt, powdery mildew. Alternaria blight and ear cockle; [Get Notes]
  • Sugarcane: red rot, smut, wilt, grassy shoot and pokkah boeng. [Get Notes]
  • Sunflower: Alternaria blight: [Get Notes]
  • Mustard: Alternaria blight, white rust, downy mildew;[Get Notes] 
  • Gram: wilt and Ascochyta blight; [Get Notes]
  • Lentil: Rust and wilt; [Get Notes]
  • Cotton: Vascular wilt and black arm; [Get Notes]
  • Pea: Downy mildew, powdery mildew and rust. [Get Notes]
  • Horticultural Crops: 
  • Mango: Black tip, Anthracnose, malformation, powdery mildew; [Get Notes]
  • Citrus: cankerand gummosis; [Get Notes]
  • Grape vine: Downy mildew powdery mildew; [Get Notes]    
  • Peach: leaf curl; [Get Notes]
  • Cucurbits: downy mildew, powdery mildew and wilt; [Get Notes]
  • Onion and garlic: purple blotch and stemphylium blight; [Get Notes]
  • Chilli: anthracnose and leaf curl: [Get Notes]
  • Turmeric: leaf spot; [Get Notes]
  • Marigold: Botrytis blight; 
  • Rose: dieback. powdery mildew; 
  • Potato: Early and late blight, common sqab. powdery scab, potato mosaic and black heart.[Get Notes]
Syllabus in Hindi with Notes
लक्षण. एटियलजि. रोग चक्र और निम्नलिखित फसलों के प्रमुख रोगों का प्रबंधन:
खेत की फसलें:
गेहूँ: जंग, लूज़ स्मट, करनाल बंट, पाउडरी फफूंद. अल्टरनेरिया ब्लाइट और ईयर कॉकल; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
गन्ना: लाल सड़न, स्मट, विल्ट, ग्रासी शूट और पोक्काह बोएंग. [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
सूरजमुखी: अल्टरनेरिया ब्लाइट: [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
सरसों: अल्टरनेरिया ब्लाइट, सफ़ेद जंग, डाउनी फफूंद;[नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
चना: विल्ट और एस्कोकाइटा ब्लाइट; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
मसूर: जंग और विल्ट; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
कपास: संवहनी विल्ट और ब्लैक आर्म; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
मटर: डाउनी फफूंद, पाउडरी फफूंद और जंग. [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
बागवानी फसलें:

आम: ब्लैक टिप, एन्थ्रेक्नोज, विकृति, पाउडरी फफूंद; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
साइट्रस: कैंकर और गमोसिस; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
अंगूर की बेल: डाउनी फफूंद पाउडरी फफूंद; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
आड़ू: पत्ती कर्ल; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
कद्दू: डाउनी फफूंद, पाउडरी फफूंद और विल्ट; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
प्याज और लहसुन: बैंगनी धब्बा और स्टेमफिलियम ब्लाइट; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
मिर्च: एन्थ्रेक्नोज और पत्ती कर्ल: [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
हल्दी: पत्ती स्पॉट; [नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
गेंदा: बोट्राइटिस ब्लाइट;
गुलाब: डाईबैक। पाउडरी फफूंद;
आलू: प्रारंभिक और देर से होने वाला ब्लाइट, सामान्य स्क्वैब। पाउडरी स्कैब, आलू मोज़ेक और ब्लैक हार्ट।[नोट्स प्राप्त करें]
Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops & their Management-II Notes

6. Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits & Vegetables


Importance and scope of post-harvest technology of fruits and vegetables. Extent and possible causes of post-harvest losses; Pre-harvest factors affecting postharvest quality, maturity and self-life of fruits and vegetables & spices. Ripening and changes occurring during ripening; Respiration and factors affecting respiration rate; role of ethylene; post-harvest diseases and disorders; heat, chilling and freezing injury; harvesting and field handling; Storage (ZECC, cold storage, CA, MA and hypobaric); Value addition concept; Principles and methods of preservation; Intermediate moisture food- Jam, jelly, marmalade; preserve; candy-Concepts and Standards; Fermented and non-fermented beverages. Tomato products-Concepts and Standards; Drying/dehydration of fruits and vegetables-Concept and methods, osmotic drying. Canning- Concepts and Standards; packaging of products.


Applications of different types of packaging, containers for shelf-life extension. Effect of temperature on shelf-life and quality of produce. Demonstration of chilling and freezing injury in vegetables and fruits. Extraction and preservation of pulps and juices. Preparation of jam, jelly, RTS, nectar, squash, osmotically dried products, fruit bar and candy and tomato products, canned products. Quality evaluation of products-physico- chemical and sensory. Visit to processing units/industry.


7. Watershed and Wasteland Management


Watershed management Concept, definition, need, principles and components of watershed management integrated watershed management. Factors affecting watershed management runoff and soil loss management in a watershed, socio-economic concept of watershed. People's participation in watershed management. Policy approaches and management plan, problems of watershed management. Types of degraded and wastelands, Distribution and extent of watershed in India and Uttar Pradesh, factors responsible for land degradation, characteristics of different types of degraded and wastelands, Problems of degraded land in Uttar Pradesh. Appropriate techniques for management of different types of degraded and wastelands.


Characterization and delineation of a model watershed, Case study of a watershed, Field demonstration on soil and moisture conservation measures. Field demonstration on construction of water harvesting structures. Visit to rainfed research station and watershed.


8. Beneficial Insects and Pests of Horticultural Crops & their Management

Beneficial Insects and Pests of Horticultural Crops and Their Management


Types of silkworm, voltinism and biology of silkworm. Mulberry cultivation, mulberry varieties, methods of harvesting and preservation of leaves. Rearing of mulberry silkworm, rearing appliances, mounting and harvesting of cocoons. Pests and diseases of silkworm, management, and methods of disinfection. Importance of beneficial insects. bee keeping, pollinating plants and their cycle, bee biology, commercial methods of rearing, equipment used and seasonal management. Bee pasturage. bee foraging and communication. Insect pests and diseases of honey bee. Species of lac insect, morphology, biology. host plant and lac production- Processing of lac - seed lac, button lac. shellac and lac- products. Identification of major parasitoids and predators commonly used in biological control. Scientific name, order, family, host range, distribution, biology, nature of damage, and management of major insect pests of following horticultural crops

Mango: Drosicha Mangiferae, Amrtodus atkinsoni, Batocera rufomaculata

Guava: Bactrocera dorsalis

Litchi: Conopomorpha sinensis, Pletypeplus aprobola

Citrus: Papilio demeclius, Diaphorina citri, Phyllocnistis citrelia

Pomegranate: Virechois isocrates.

Apple: Eriosoma lanigerum, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus

Brinjal: Leucinodes orbonalis, Epitachina viontiociopunctata

Cucurbits: Raphidoplapa fovelcollis, Dacus Cucurbitae, Cole crops: Plutella xylostella, Pieris brassicae

Polyphagous Pest: Indarbela quadrinotata


Identification of different types of damage. Identification and study of life cycle and seasonal history of various Insect pests attacking horticultural crops vegetable crops, fruit crops as mentioned in theory). Visit to orchards and gardens. Mulberry cultivation, mulberry varieties and methods of harvesting and preservation of leaves. Types of silkworm, voltinism and biology and rearing of silkworm and equipment. Honey beespecies and castes of bees. Beekeeping appliances and seasonal management. Bee enemies and diseases. Bee pasturage, bee foraging and communication. Species of lac insect, host plant Identification. Identification of other important pollinators, weed killers and scavengers. Visit to research and training institutions devoted to sericulture, beekeeping, lac culture and natural enemies.


9. Educational Tour (** Non-Gradial Course) 2 (0+2)

10. Elective Courses (To be selected any One of the following)

1. Hi-tech Horticulture


Introduction & importance; Nursery management and mechanization; micropropagation of horticultural crops; Modern field preparation and planting methods. Protected cultivation: advantages, controlled conditions, method and techniques; Micro-Irrigation systems and Its components; EC.PH based fertilizer scheduling, canopy management, high density orcharding. Components of precision farming: Remote sensing. Geographical Information System (GIS), 'Differential Geo-positioning System (DGPS), Variable Rate applicator (VRA), application of precision farming in horticultural crops (fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops); mechanized harvesting of produce.


Types of poly-houses and shade net houses, Intercultural operations, tools and equipment's- identification and application; Micro-propagation, Nursery pro-trays, micro-irrigation. EC, PH based fertilizer scheduling, canopy management; visit to hi-tech orchards/nursery.


2. Protected Cultivation

Protected cultivation- importance and scope, Status of protected cultivation in India and World types of protected growing structure based on site and climate. Cladding material involved in greenhouse/poly house. Greenhouse design, environment control, artificial lights, Automation. Soil preparation and management. Substrate management. Types of benches and containers. Irrigation and fertigation management. Propagation and production of quality planting material of horticultural crops. Greenhouse cultivation of important horticultural crops-rose, carnation, chrysanthemum, gerbera, orchid, anthurium, ilium, tulip, tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, strawberry, pot plants, etc. Cultivation of economically important medicinal and aromatic plants. Off-season production of flowers and vegetables. Insect-pest and disease management.
Raising of seedlings and saplings under protected conditions, use of portrays in quality planting material production, Bed preparation and planting of crop for production, Inter cultural operations. Soil EC and pH measurement, Regulation of irrigation and fertilizers through drip, fogging and misting.

3. Weed Management


Introduction to weeds, characteristics of weeds their harmful and beneficial effects on ecosystem. Classification, reproduction and dissemination of weeds. Methods of weed control, Herbicide classification. concept of adjuvant, surfactant, herbicide formulation and their use, mode of action of herbicides and selectivity. Allelopathy and its application for weed management. Bio- herbicides and their application in agriculture. Concept of herbicide mixture and utility in agriculture. Herbicide compatibility with agro-chemicals and their application. Integration of herbicides with non-chemical methods of weed management. Herbicide resistance and its management.


Crop-weed competition studies and yield losses in field crops, Biology of important weeds viz. Parthenium, Cyprus, Cynodon, Orobancheae, Phalaris etc. Study of herbicide formulations and mixture of herbicide. Herbicide and agro-chemicals study. Shift of weed flora, study in long term experiments. Study of methods of herbicide application, spraying equipment's. Calculation of herbicide doses, weed control efficiency and weed-index.


4. Agriculture Journalism

Agricultural Journalism: The nature and scope of agricultural journalism characteristics and training of the agricultural journalist, how agricultural journalism is similar to and different from other types of journalism. 
Newspapers and magazines as communication media: Characteristics; kinds and functions of newspapers and magazines, characteristics of newspaper and magazine readers. Form and content of newspapers and magazines: Style and language of newspapers and magazines. parts of newspapers and magazines. 
The agricultural story: Types of agricultural stories, subject matter of the agricultural story. structure of the agricultural story. Gathering agricultural information: Sources of agricultural information, interviews, coverage of events, abstracting from research and scientific materials, wire services, other agricultural news sources. Writing the story: Organizing the material, treatment of the story. writing the news lead and the body, readability measures.
Illustrating agricultural stories: Use of photographs, use of artwork (graphs. charts, maps, etc.), writing the captions. Editorial mechanics: Copy reading, headline and title writing, proofreading, lay outing.

5. Management of Fish-cum- Duck, Quail and Rabbit Farming


Fish farming: Common terminologies, classification and characteristics of common fish.

Present status of fishery in India. Preparation and management of fish pond, physical and

chemical condition of water for fishery, feeds and feeding of fishes, breeding of fish, common

diseases of fishes, Integrated fish-duck farming. Duck farming: Common terminologies, Present status of duck farming in India. breeds and their common features and advantages, incubation and hatching, feeding of ducks, care and management of duckling, grower, layer/broiler ducks. Characteristics of duck eggs, common

diseases and vaccination schedule.

Quail farming: Common terminologies, common features of quail farming and its advantages, breeds, incubation and hatching, feeding of quails. care and management of quail chick, grower/layer/broilers, common diseases and vaccination schedule.

Rabbit farming: Introduction, scope and advantages of rabbit farming, breeds, breeding, housing, care and management of young and adult rabbit. feeds and feeding for rabbits, common diseases of rabbit and their management., fur and meat production


Visit of fishery units, demonstration of farm preparation, hatchery and brooding operation and report formulation.

Identification of Different type of common fishes, Candling and Grading Duck and Quail Egg

Ration formulation for Duck, Quail. Rabbit and Fish.

Preparation of different egg products.


6. System Simulation & Agro-advisory

About the Author

I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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