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Production Technology of Strawberry | PPT & PDF Download

Production technology of Strawberry, Seed rate , plantation, yield economic valve, Cultivation of Strawberry, nutrient management of strawberry,diseas
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Frequently Asked Question


💫 Botanical Name - Fragaria ananassa
💫 Family - Rosaceae 
💫 Chromosome no. (2n) = 56(8x) 
💫 Origin: France
In Hindi



🎯 The strawberry is renowned for its allure, deliciousness, and nutritional value, boasting a delightful aroma and delicate flavour. 
🎯 This cultivated berry holds a special status among fruits as a man-made hybrid. I have 
🎯 Some important points related to strawberries are as follows.
💫 Monoecious, short day, low perennial herb and quick growing fruit plant.
💫 Rich in vit.- c and iron.
💫 Flavour is due to Ethyle butanoate and Ethyle hexanoate.
💫 First fruit crop micro-propagation studied.
💫 Flowers are borne in small clusters and white.
💫 Type of inflorescence: Dichotomic raceme.
💫 Type of fruit: Etaerio of achenes.
💫 Type of pollination: both self and cross.
💫 Edible portion: Succulent thalamus.

Economical Importance 

🎯 Promote bone health (Rich in minerals-Ca, P and K). And the best natural sources of antioxidants.
🎯 Processed product-ice-cream, soft drinks.
🎯 Lower cardiovascular disease.

Area & Production

💫In India 
🎯 Strawberry is cultivated in Himalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir 
🎯 Haryana is the leading state in respect of production with 4260 tonnes.


🎯 Mainly grow in temperate climates but some varieties can also grow in sun tropical climate.
🎯 Moderate temperature and maximum 12 hr. Or or minimum 6 hr. Sunlight is favourable.


🎯 Sandy Loamy Soil or Loamy Soil with high organic matter and well drained is best for cultivation.
🎯 Strawberry plane is very susceptible to salt in soil which can cause "leaf scorch".


🎯 Important strawberry varieties cultivated in India are Chandler, Tioga, Torrey, Selva, Belrubi, Fern and Pajaro. 
🎯 Other varieties include Premier, Red cost, Local Jeolikot, Dilpasand, Bangalore, Florida 90, Katrain Sweet, Pusa Early Dwarf & Blakemore.

Field Preparation

🎯 Soil preparation should be started before one month of planting.
🎯 The created bed should have a good organic matter and drainage system.


🎯 Strawberry propagation through runners.
🎯 Separate beds should be used for runner production to mitigate disease spread.
🎯 GA3 spraying (40mg/L water) in late May enhances runner production.
🎯 Improve runner survival by lifting them in September and planting them in polybags (1 Soil: 1 Sand: 2 FYM) for one month.

Sowing Time & Spacing

🎯 In North East India: November to January
🎯 In North India: September to January
🎯 In South India: January and July
🔰 In Maharashtra: August to November
🎯 Planting distance should be 30 x 30 cm or 60 cm. 

Nutrients & fertilizer 

🎯 20:40:40 kg NPK /ha along with 20tonness FYM should be given as a basal dose and rest in two equal splits.
🎯 100:60:140kg NPK/ha in three split doses is recommended.


🎯 Frequent irrigation rather than a few heavy ones favours the crop, avoid excess irrigation. 
🎯 Trickle/drip irrigation is the best method to irrigate strawberries.

Weed Control 

🎯 Manually or Use herbicide.


Common mulching materials such as paddy straw and black polythene are used for good weed control, advance early cropping, increase total yield and save the fruit from rotting.


🎯 Major Disease: Leaf spot complex:Verticillium wilt:
🎯 Management:  Spray of formalin (5000L/ha) or 5 sprays of Carbendazim 
(100g/200 L water) at 21-day intervals.

Insect Pest

🎯 Major Insect: White grubs and Cutworms, Root weevil.
🎯 Management: The application of Carbofuran (6-10 kg/ha), Chlorpyriphos @ 2ml/L water. and Parathion (0.017 %) around the plants can effectively control the insect.


🎯 Harvesting should be done at the pink or three-fourths coloured stage.
🎯 Morning is a suitable time for harvesting.


🎯 Strawberries are harvested directly into crates.
🎯 For short-term storage, maintain strawberries at 50°C or below.
🎯 For longer preservation, store strawberries at 0°C or lower.


🎯 Generally,20 to 25 tonne/ha. 

Thank you

About the Author

I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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