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B.Sc Ag. (Hons) 4th Sem Syllabus According to 5th Dean Committee of ICAR

B.Sc Ag. (Hons) 4th Sem Syllabus According to 5th Dean Committee
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 Total Subject - 10

1. Crop Production Technology-II (Rabi crops)


Origin, geographical distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirements, varieties, cultural practices and yield of rabi crops. Cereals -wheat, barley and oat; Pulses- chickpea, lentil and peas; Oilseeds - rapeseed-mustard, linseed and sunflower; Sugar crop- sugarcane; Tuber crop- potato; Forage crops - berseem, lucerne and oat.

2. Practical Crop Production-II (Rabi crops) 

3. Principle of Seed Technology


Seed and seed production technology: introduction, definition and importance. Deterioration causes of crop varieties (sexsual & asexual) and their control; Maintenance of genetic purity during seed production. Seed quality; Definition and Characters of good quality seed, different classes of seed. Foundation and certified seed production of important cereals, pulses. oilseeds, fodder and vegetables. Seed certification. phases of certification, procedure for seed certification, OECD, ISTA, field inspection. Seed Act and Seed Act enforcement. Duty and powers of seed inspector, offences and penalties. Seeds Control Order 1983. Varietal identification through Grow Out Test. History and development of Seed Industry in India. Seed drying, processing and their steps, seed testing for quality assessment, seed treatment, its importance, method of application and seed packing. Seed storage; general principles, stages and factors affecting seed longevity during storage. Measures for pest and disease control during storage. Seed marketing, Private and public sectors and their production and marketing strategies.


Seed production in major cereals: Wheat, Rice, Maize, Sorghum and Bajra. Seed production in major pulses: Urd, Mung. Pigeonpea. Lentil, Gram, field bean, pea. Seed production in major oilseeds: Rapeseed and Mustard. Seed production in important vegetable crops. Seed sampling and testing: Physical purity, germination, viability. etc. Seed and seedling vigour test. Genetic purity test: Grow out test. Seed certification: Procedure. Field inspection, Preparation of field inspection report. Visit to seed production farms, seed testing laboratories and seed processing plant.

4. Problematic Soil & Their Management


Soil quality and health, Distribution of Waste land and problem soils in India. Their categorization based on properties. Reclamation and management of Saline and sodic soils, Acid soils. Acid Sulphate soils. Eroded and Compacted soils. Flooded soils, & Polluted soils. Irrigation water - quality and standards, utilization of saline water in agriculture. Remote sensing and GIS in diagnosis and management of problem soils. Multipurpose tree species, bio remediation through MPTs of soils. Land use capability classification, land suitability classification. Problematic soils under different Agro-ecosystems.


Determination of pH & Ec in soil and water. Lime and gypsum requirement in soil, ESP and SAR in Soils. Application of remote sensing and GIS in delineating problematic soil in LIP. Visit problematic soil in U.P.

5. Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology 


Concept sand applications of plant biotechnology. Biotechnological tools, PCR techniques and its applications; introduction to recombinant DNA methods: physical, chemical and Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer methods; Transgenics and its importance in crop improvement; DNA markers and their application RFLP, RAPD, AFLP, CAPS, SSR etc. Marker Assisted Breeding in crop improvement, Biotechnology regulations. Plant Cell and Tissue Culture organ culture, embryo cul tu re, cell suspension culture, callus culture, anther culture, pollen culture, ovule culture and their applications; Micro-propagation methods; organogenesis and embryogenesis, Synthetic seeds and their significance; Embryo rescue and its significance. Somatic hybrid i zati on and cybrids. Somaclonal variation and its use in crop improvement. Cryo-preservation. Application of in-vitro techniques.


Preparation of solution, pH and buffers. Sterilization techniques, Composition of various tissue culture media and preparation of stock solutions for MS nutrient medium. Callus induction from various explants and plant regeneration. Micro-propagation, hardening and acclimatization. Demonstration on isolation of DNA and PCR tech nique. Demonstration of gel electrophoresis techniques and DNA finger printing.

6. Renewable Energy & Green Technology 


Classification of energy sources, contribution of these of sources in agricultural sector, Familiarization with biomass utilization for bio-fuel production and their application, Familiarization with types of biogas plants and gasifiers, biogas, bioalcohol, biodiesel and bio-oil production and their utilization as bioenergy resources, introduction of solar energy, collection and their application, Familiarization with solar energy gadgets: solar cooker, solar water heater, Application of solar energy: solar drying, solar pond, solar distillation, introduction of wind energy and their application.

7. Production Technology of Ornamental Crops & MAPs and Landscaping 


Importance and scope of ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic plants andlandscaping.Principles of landscaping.Landscape uses of ornamental trees, shrubs, climbers and seasonal flowers.Stylesand type of gardening; hedge-edge, herbaceous & shrubbery borders;lawn making and maintenance. Production technology of important cut flowers like rose, gerbera, carnation and lilium under protected conditions and gladiolus, tuberose, chrysanthemum under open conditions. Package of practices for loose flowers like marigold and jasmine under open conditions. Production technology of important medicinal plants (Isabgol, Ashwagandha, Asparagus, Aloe) and aromatic plants (mint, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosa, ocimum, geranium and vetiver). Processing and value addition in ornamental crops and MAPs produce.


Identification of ornamental plants.Identification of medicinal and aromatic plants. Nursery bed preparation and seed sowing. Training and pruning of ornamental plants. Planning And layout of borders & garden. Bed preparation and planting of MAPs. Protected structures-care and maintenance. Intercultural operations in flowers and MAPs. Harvesting and post-harvest handling of cut-and loose flowers; extraction of essential oils. Visits to commercial nurseries, gardens/research institutes.

8. Entrepreneurship Development & Business Communication 


Concept of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Development, Characteristics of entrepreneurs; SWOT Analysis & achievement motivation, Government policy and programs and institutions for entrepreneurship development Impact of economic reforms on Agribusiness/ Agrienterprises, Entrepreneurial Development Process: Business Leadership Skills; Developing organizational skill (controlling, supervising, problem solving, monitoring & evaluation), Developing Managerial skills, Business Leadership Skills (Communication, direction and motivation Skills), Problem solving skill, Supply chain management and Total quality management, Project Planning Formulation and report preparation; Financing of enterprise, Opportunities for agri- entrepreneurship and rural enterprise.


Assessing entrepreneurial traits, problem solving skills, managerial skills and achievement motivation, exercise in creativity, time audit through planning, monitoring and supervision, identification and selection of business idea, preparation of business plan and proposal writing, visit to entrepreneurship development institute and entrepreneurs.

9. Introductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change 

Theory- (only Brief Idea)

Meaning and scope of agricultural meteorology, Earth atmosphere- its composition, extent and structure, Atmospheric weather variables, Atmospheric pressure- its variation with height, Wind, types of wind, daily and seasonal variation in wind speed, cyclone, anticyclone, land breeze and sea breeze, Nature and properties of solar radiation, solar constant, depletion of solar radiation, short wave, longwave and thermal radiation, net radiation, albedo, Atmospheric temperature, temperature inversion, lapse rate, daily and seasonal variations of temperature, vertical profile of temperature, Energy balance of earth, Atmospheric humidity, concept of saturation, vapor pressure, process of condensation, formation of dew, fog. mist, frost, cloud, Precipitation- process of precipitation, types of precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet, hailstorm, cloud formation and classification, Artificial rainmaking, Monsoon-mechanism and importance in Indian agriculture, Weather hazards - drought, floods, frost, tropical cyclones and extreme weather conditions such as heat-wave and cold-wave. Agriculture and weather relations, Modifications of crop microclimate, climatic normals for crop and livestock production. Weather forecasting- types of weather forecast and their uses. Climate change, climatic variability, global warming, causes of climate change and its impact on regional and national agriculture.

10. Agri-informatics 


Introduction to Computers. Operating Systems. definition and types, Applications of MS-Office for document creation & Editing. Data presentation, Interpretation and graph creation, statistical analysis, mathematical expressions. Database, concepts and types, uses of DBMS in Agriculture, World Wide Web (WNW): Concepts and components. Introduction to computer programming languages, concepts and standard input/output operations.

e-Agriculture, concepts and applications. Use of ICT In Agriculture. Computer Models for understanding plant processes. IT application for computation of water and nutrient requirement of crops, Computer-controlled devices (automated systems) for Agri-input management, Smartphone Apps in Agriculture for farm advises, market price. Post-harvest management etc; Geospatial technology for generating valuable agri-information. Decision support systems, concepts, components and applications in Agriculture, Agriculture Expert System, Soil Information Systems etc for supporting Farm decisions. Preparation of contingent crop-planning using IT tools.


Study of Computer Components, accessories, practice of important DOS Commands. Introduction of different operating systems such as windows, Unix/ Linux, Creating, Files & Folders, File Management. Use of MS-WORD and MS Power-point for creating, editing and presenting a scientific Document MS-EXCEL - Creating a spreadsheet, use of statistical tools, writing expressions. Creating graphs, analysis of scientific data. MS-ACCESS: Creating Database, preparing queries and reports, demonstration of Agri-information system. Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW). Introduction of programming languages. Hands on Crop Simulation Models (CSM) such as DSSAT/Crop- Info/CropSyst/ Wofost; Computation of water and nutrient requirements of crop using CSM and IT tools. Introduction of Geospatial Technology for generating valuable information for Agriculture. Hands on Decision Support System. Preparation of contingent crop planning

11. Poultry Production & Management


GENERAL: Historical and importance of poultry Industry in India, Poultry production and marketing status.

GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Establishment of a poultry farm, Housing and equipments, Incubation and hatching of eggs, Brooding management, Lighting schedule for poultry, Broiler and layer management.

BREEDING: Breeds and strains of broilers and layers of chicken, Male and female reproductive system of chicken, General aspects of breeding for better egg and meat production Selection and culling of productive and unproductive birds, Artificial insemination in poultry.

FEEDS AND FEEDING: Digestion, Digestive system of chicken, Different kind of Feed ingredients of poultry feeds, Feed processing, Different types of poultry feeds viz. Starter, Grower, Layer, Finisher and Breeder ration, Importance of FCR, Nutritional deficiencies.

HEALTH MANAGEMENT: Common poultry diseases viz. Ranikhét, Marex, Chicken pox, Gumboro, Infectious Bronchitis, CRD and bird flu, Control of internal and external parasites, Vaccination schedule for poultry.

POULTRY PRODUCTS: Collection, preservation and storage of eggs, Grading of eggs, AGMARK standard of egg, egg powder, Slaughtering and processing of chicken, Marketing of poultry products,

Economics of broiler and layer farming.


Study of external and internal body parts of poultry birds, structure of egg, Formulation of ration viz. Broiler starter ration, Broiler finisher ration, Chick starter ration, Grower ration, Layer ration and Breeder

About the Author

I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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