Frequently Asked Question
In Hindi
💫वानस्पतिक नाम - सिसर एरीटिनम एल.
💫 कुल - फैबेसी (लेगुमिनोसी)।
💫गुणसूत्र संख्या - 2n = 16.
💫उत्पत्ति केंद्र - दक्षिण पश्चिम एशिया
💫प्रजातियों का वितरण - वैश्विक स्तर पर, भारत, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, पाकिस्तान, तुर्की, इथियोपिया मैक्सिको और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में प्रमुख उत्पादन के साथ।
💫जंगली प्रजातिया- चने के जंगली प्रजातिया प्रजनन कार्यक्रमों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण आनुवंशिक संसाधन प्रदान करते हैं। वे मुख्य रूप से मध्य पूर्व और मध्य एशिया में पाए जाते हैं। कुछ प्रमुख जंगली प्रजातियों में शामिल हैं:
- सिसर रेटिकुलटम: चने का सबसे करीबी जंगली प्रजाति माना जाता है, जो दक्षिणपूर्वी तुर्की में पाया जाता है।
- सिसर इचिनोस्पर्मम: तुर्की में पाया जाता है और इसमें सूखा प्रतिरोध जैसे गुण होते हैं।
- सिसर जुडैकम: इजरायल और पड़ोसी क्षेत्रों में पाया जाता है।
- सिसर बिजुगम: तुर्की, सीरिया और लेबनान में वितरित।
- सिसर पिनाटिफ़िडम: सीरिया और तुर्की में पाया जाता है।
- सिसर क्यूनेटम: इथियोपिया और हॉर्न ऑफ़ अफ़्रीका का मूल निवासी है।
- सिसर यामाशिताए: अफगानिस्तान और पाकिस्तान में पाया जाता है।
💫Botanical Name - Cicer arietinum L.
💫Family - Fabaceae (Leguminosae).
💫Chromosome no. - 2n = 16.
💫 Centre of origin - South West Asia
💫 Distribution of species - Globally, with major production in India , Australia , Pakistan , Turkey , Ethiopia Mexico and the United States.
💫 Wild relatives - Wild relatives of chickpea provide important genetic resources for breeding programs. They are primarily found in the Middle East and Central Asia. Some key wild species include:Cicer reticulatum: Considered the closest wild relative of domesticated chickpea, found in southeastern Turkey.
- Cicer echinospermum: Found in Turkey and has traits like drought resistance.
- Cicer judaicum: Found in Israel and neighboring regions.
- Cicer bijugum: Distributed in Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon.
- Cicer pinnatifidum: Found in Syria and Turkey.Cicer cuneatum: Native to Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.
- Cicer yamashitae: Located in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
💫 Floral biology of Chickpea
Inflorescence: The salitary flowers are born in axillary raceme
Flower: Chickpea flower are complete and bisexual.
Calyx: Chickpea have five sepals.
Corolla: Chickpea flower have five petals which are generally purplish red or light pink colour. The petals are poly petalous i.e. consisting of standard, wings and keel.
Androecium: There are 10 stamens in diadelphous(9)+1 condition.
Gynoecium: The ovary is monocarpellary. It is ovate with a pubescent ( glandular hair's predominant ) surface. The ovary is 2-3 mm long and 1-15 mm wide.
Floral formula:
K(5) C2+2+1 A(9)+1 G(1).
K(5) : No. of sepals .
C2+2+1 : No. and Arrangment of petals .
A(9)+1 : No. and Arrangment of stamens .
G(1): No. Of gynoecium.
What is hybrid seed production of Chickpea?
Hybrid seed production of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) involves creating seeds from controlled crosses between distinct parent lines to produce first-generation (F1) hybrids with desirable traits such as higher yield, disease resistance, and stress tolerance. Chickpea is typically self-pollinated, which means specific techniques are required to ensure cross-pollination for hybrid seed production. Here is a detailed overview of the process:
What is Objectives of hybrid seed production of Chickpea?
1. High Yield: Produce hybrid chickpea seeds with enhanced yield through heterosis.
2. Uniformity: Ensure genetic purity and uniformity in the hybrid seeds.
3. Stress Tolerance: Develop hybrids that withstand biotic and abiotic stresses.
4. Improved Quality: Enhance seed quality traits like protein content and cooking properties.
What is Key Steps in Hybrid Seed Production of Chickpea?
1. Parent Line Selection:
Male Parent (Pollinator): Selected for traits such as strong pollen production, disease resistance, and compatibility with the female line.
Female Parent (Seed Parent): Chosen for desirable agronomic traits like high yield potential, good seed quality, and strong growth.
2. Creation of Male Sterility:
Genetic Male Sterility (GMS): Utilize GMS lines where plants are genetically unable to produce viable pollen. GMS is stable and commonly used.
Chemical Hybridizing Agents (CHA): Apply chemicals to induce male sterility in the female parent. This method is less commonly used due to potential environmental concerns and lower precision.
3. Breeding procedure:
1. Pedigree method: for resistance breeding (disease, insect, nematode, orobanche spp)
2. Modified bulk method: for stress situations (drought, cold, heat, iron deficiency)
3. Back cross method: for interspecific hybridization. Limited backcross (one or two) for desi x kabuli introgression and also for resistance breeding. Resistance to fusarion wild can be easily transferred from desi to kabuli type
4. Somaclonal variation: through plant tissue culture appears to be a potential tool for generation and exploitation of useful variability.
4. Planting Pattern and Isolation :
Row Ratio: Typically, a specific ratio of male to female rows (e.g., 2:6) is maintained to ensure efficient pollination.
Isolation Distance: Maintain sufficient distance (e.g., 3 meters) from other chickpea varieties to prevent cross-contamination.This distance has been taken so short for this reason because chickpea is a self-pollinated crop and the contamination chances is 1-2% from other chickpea varities.
5. Emasculation and Pollination:
Manual Emasculation: In chickpea, manual removal of anthers from the female parent is essential to prevent self-pollination. This is labor-intensive but crucial for ensuring cross-pollination.
Controlled Pollination: Transfer pollen from the male parent to the emasculated flowers of the female parent. This can be done manually or with the help of pollinators like bees if feasible.
Chikki is a self pollinated crop. Pollination is done in the morning. Pollination is done manually. Press method takes more time
6. Seed Production and Harvesting :
Pollination Period: Monitor and manage the flowering period to maximize successful pollination.
Harvesting: Harvest the hybrid seeds when they reach physiological maturity, ensuring minimal contamination and shattering.
Threshing: Carefully thresh to avoid mixing with non-hybrid seeds.
7. Seed Processing and Quality Control:
Cleaning: Remove debris and non-viable seeds.
Drying: Dry seeds to the optimal moisture content for storage and longevity.
Testing: Conduct germination tests and genetic purity tests (e.g., grow-out tests or molecular markers) to ensure the seeds meet quality standards.
8. Packaging and Storage :
Packaging: Package seeds in labeled bags with information on the hybrid cross, germination rate, and purity.
Storage: Store seeds in a cool, dry place to maintain viability until distribution.
Practical Achievement
Early, wilt resistant, drought tolerant
Early, wilt resistant and high yielding
Phule Vikrant
Yellowish brown, medium size seeds, wilt resistant
Phule Vikram
Tall growth habit, suitable for mechanical harvesting,medium size, yellowish brown seeds.
Extra bold seeded kabuli variety, wilt resistant
Extra large seeded kabuli variety, milky white seed colour
High yield potential, bold seeds, wilt resistant
What is Challenges and Considerations hybrid seed production ?
Labor-Intensive Process: Manual emasculation and controlled pollination are labor-intensive, requiring skilled labor.
Cost: Hybrid seed production is more expensive due to the need for controlled pollination and maintenance of male sterility.
Seed Viability: Ensuring high germination rates and seed vigor through proper processing and storage.
Market Acceptance: Farmers need to be educated on the benefits of hybrid chickpea seeds to justify the higher costs.
Environmental Conditions: Effective seed production requires favorable weather conditions during the flowering and pollination periods.
What is Benefits of Hybrid Chickpea Seeds ?
1. Higher Yields: Exploitation of heterosis results in significantly higher yields compared to traditional varieties.
2. Disease Resistance: Incorporation of resistance genes from parent lines can lead to hybrids with enhanced disease resistance.
3. Stress Tolerance: Hybrids can be bred for better tolerance to drought, salinity, and other abiotic stresses.
4. Quality Improvement: Hybrids can exhibit superior seed quality, including protein content and cooking qualities.
By these hybrid seed production techniques, chickpea breeders can develop superior hybrids that address the needs of modern agriculture, ensuring food security and sustainable farming practices.