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B.Sc Agriculture (Hons) 1st Semester Syllabus According to ICAR 5th Dean committee

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Note: Don't purchase any printed syllabus from bookstore because many publications modified syllabus according to their books. Always download original syllabus from official website. On this site You get official Syllabus of 5th Dean committee.

Total Subject


Course Title Credit Hours
Fundamentals of Agronomy 3 (2+1)
Fundamentals of Genetics 3 (2+1)
Fundamentals of Soil Science 3 (2+1)
Fundamentals of Horticulture 2 (1+1)
Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology 2 (2+0)
Introduction to Forestry 2 (1+1)
Introductory Animal Husbandry 2 (1+1)
Comprehension and Communication Skills in English 2 (1+1)
Agricultural Heritage *Remedial Course 1 (1+0)
General Agriculture-I *Remedial Course 2 (1+1)
Introductory Biology *Remedial Course 2 (1+1)
General Agriculture-II *Remedial Course 2 (1+1)
Elementary Mathematics *Remedial Course 2 (1+1)
NSS (National Service Scheme) 2 (0+2)
NCC (National Cadet Corps) 2 (0+2)
Physical Education and Yoga Practices 2 (0+2)
Total Credit Hours (Th + Pr) 27

Note: AG-112A/AG-112B/AG-112C papers/courses will be taught as per the instruction given in detailed syllabus under Non-Gradial Courses

Syllabus of All Subjects

B.Sc. Ag ( Hons) 1 Sem 12 0.6MB .PDF
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1. Fundamentals of Agronomy

  • Agronomy and its scope: Get Notes
  • Agro-climatic zones of India, :  Get Notes
  • Seeds: Get Notes
  • Sowing: Get Notes
  • Tillage and tilth : Get Notes
  • Crop density and geometry : Get Notes
  • Crop nutrition, Nutrient use efficiency: Get Notes
  • Manures: Get Notes 
  • Fertilizers, : Get Notes
  • Irrigation (crop water requirement, water use efficiency, irrigation-scheduling criteria and methods, quality of irrigation water.) : Get Notes 
  • Water resources & soil-plant-water relationship: Get Notes 
  • Weeds - importance, classification : Get Notes 
  • Crop-weed competition, : Get Notes
  • Concepts of weed management, principles and methods. : Get Notes  
  • Herbicides - classification, selectivity and resistance, : Get Notes
  • Allelopathy : Get Notes
  • Growth and development of crops, factors affecting growth and development : Get Notes
  • Plant ideotypes,: Get Notes
  • Crop rotation and its principles, adaptation and distribution of crops,: Get Notes
  • Harvesting and threshing of crops.: Get Notes
  • Practical

    Identification of crops, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and tillage implements. Identification of weeds in crops. Methods of herbicide and fertilizer application. Study of yield contributing characters and yield estimation. Numerical exercises on fertilizer requirement, plant population, herbicides and water requirement. Study of soil moisture measuring devices, measurement of irrigation water.

2. Fundamentals of Genetics


Pre and Post Mendelian concepts of heredity, Mendelian principles of heredity. Architecture of chromosome; special types of chromosomes. Chromosomal theory of inheritance; cell cycle and cell division - mitosis and meiosis. Chi-square test; Dominance relationships, Epistatic interactions; Multiple alleles, pleiotropism and pseudoalleles. Sex determination and sex linkage, sex limited and sex influenced traits, Genetics of Blood groups. Linkage and its estimation, crossing over mechanisms, chromosome mapping. Structural and numerical variations in chromosome and their implications, use of haploids, dihaploids and doubled haploids in Genetics. Mutation, classification, Methods of inducing mutations & CLB technique, mutagenic agents and induction of mutation. Qualitative & Quantitative traits. Polygenes and continuous variations, multiple factor hypothesis. Cytoplasmic inheritance. Genetic disorders. Nature, structure & replication of genetic material (DNA). Protein synthesis. Transcription and translational mechanism in prokaryotes. Genetic Code and its properties. Gene concept: Gene structure, function and regulation.


Study of microscope. Study of cell structure. Mitosis and Meiosis cell division. Experiments on monohybrid, dihybrid, trihybrid, test cross and back cross, Experiments on epistatic interactions including test cross and back cross, Practice on mitotic and meiotic cell division. Experiments on probability and Chi-square test. Determination of linkage and cross-over analysis (through two-point test cross and three-point test cross data). Study on sex linked inheritance in Drosophila. Study of models on DNA and RNA structures.

3. Fundamentals of Soil Science

Soil as a natural body, Pedological and edaphological concepts of soil Soil genesis; soil
forming rocks and minerals; weathering, processes and factors of soil formation; Soil Profile, components of soll; Soil physical properties: soil-texture, structure, density and porosity, soil colour, consistence and plasticity; Elementary knowledge of soil taxonomy. Classification of soils of India; Soil water retention, movement and availability; Soil air, composition, gaseous exchange and effect on plant growth. Soil temperature; source, amount and flow of heat in soil: effect on plant growth. Soil reaction- PH. EC, soll acidity and alkalinity, buffering, effect of pH on nutrient availability; soil colloids - inorganic and organic; silicate clays: constitution and properties; sources of charge; ion exchange, cation exchange capacity. base saturation; soll organic matter: composition, properties and its influence on soil properties; humic substances nature and properties. Introduction to microbial world, Soil pollution- behaviour of pesticides and inorganic contaminants, prevention and mitigation of soil pollution.
Study of soil profile in field. Study of soil sampling tools, collection of representative soil sample, its processing and storage. Study of soil forming rocks and minerals. Determination of soil density, moisture content and porosity. Determination of soil texture by feel method. Determination of soil pH and electrical conductivity. Study of soil map. Estimation of organic matter content of soil. Estimation of carbonate and bicarbonate in soil and water.

4. Fundamentals of Horticulture

Horticulture-Its definition and branches, importance and scope; horticultural and botanical classification; climate and soll for horticultural crops; Plant propagation-methods and propagating structures; seed dormancy & germination; mother plant, root stock and stlonic effect; rooting media and hormones; brief knowledge of micro-propagation and its types; principles of orchard planting
systems; protection from adverse weather conditions; Principles and methods of training and pruning;flower bud differentiation and bearing habit; unfruitfulness; pollination, pollinizers and pollinators; polyembryony and parthenocarpy; use of plant bio-regulators in horticulture; Irrigation and fertilizers application-methods.
Identification of garden tools. Identification of horticultural crops. Preparation of seedbed/nursery bed. Practice of sexual and asexual methods of propagation. Use of growing media and hormones; Layout and planting of orchard. Training and pruning of fruit trees; Lifting, transplanting and care of nursery plants; Preparation of potting mixture, potting and repotting. Fertilizer application in different crops. Visits to commercial nurseries/orchard/research institutes.

5. Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology


Sociology and Rural sociology: Definition and scope. its significance in agriculture extension, Social Ecology, Rural society, Social Groups, Social Stratification, Culture concept, Social Institution, Social Change & Development. Rural Leadership: concept and definition, types of leaders in rural context. Educational psychology: Meaning & its importance in agriculture extension. Behavior: Cognitive, affective. psychomotor domain, Personality, Learning, Motivation, Theories of Motivation, Intelligence.

Socio-economic survey of village communities. Developing schedules and questionnaires. Visit and gaining of Practical knowledge about the working of basic rural institutions. Identification of important value systems in the rural setting as a means of social control. Identification of rural personality traits that affect the development of personality in rural situation.

6. Introduction to Forestry


Introduction and definitions of basic terms related to forestry, objectives of silviculture, forest classification, salient features of Indian Forest Policies. Forest regeneration, Natural regeneration, regeneration from seed and vegetative parts, coppicing, root suckers, Artificial regeneration objectives, choice between natural and artificial regeneration, essential preliminary considerations, Crown classification, Tending operations weeding, cleaning, Thinning - mechanical, ordinary, crown and advance thinning, Forest mensuration objectives, diameter measurement, instruments used in diameter measurement, measurement of volume of felled and standing trees, age determination of trees, Agroforestry definitions, of selection of trees in agroforestry, different agroforestry systems prevalent in the country, shifting cultivation, taungya, alley cropping, wind breaks and shelter belts, home gardens, Cultivation practices of two important fast growing tree species of the region.


Identification of tree-species, Diameter measurements using calipers and tape, Volume measurement of logs using various formulae, Nursery lay out, seed sowing, vegetative propagation techniques, Forest plantations and their management, Visit of nearby forest based industries.

7. Introductory Animal Husbandry


GENERAL: Importance of livestock in Agriculture and Indian Economy, Dairying under specialized and mixed farming, Livestock and milk production statistics.

DAIRY CATTLE AND BUFFALOES MANAGEMENT: Cattle and buffalo Breeds, Housing for dairy animals, Digestive system of Ruminants, Feeds and feeding management, Conservation of fodders, Care and Management of pregnant and milch cows, Raising of calves, Management of heifers and bulls, Milking methods and principles, Clean milk production, Breeding methods & systems, Symptoms of heat in dairy animals, Artificial Insemination, Maintenance of livestock records.

PIG MANAGEMENT: Importance of Pig farming in India, Important breeds, Raising of piglets, General aspects of breeding, Care and management of sow and boar.

SHEEP AND GOAT MANAGEMENT: Importance of Sheep & Goat farming in India, Important breeds, Housing management of goats and sheep, Raising of kids and lambs, Feeding and Breeding Management of goats and sheep.

HEALTH MANAGEMENT: Common animal diseases of cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep and swine viz. Anthrax, BQ, HS, FMD, Metritis, Brucellosis, Mastitis, Milk fever, Bloat, Swine fever and Enterotoximea, Deworming, Vaccination schedule, Ecto and Endo-parasites and Tick borne diseases and their management.

8. Comprehension & Communication Skills in English


War Minus Shooting- The sporting Spirit. A Dilemma- A layman looks at science Raymond B. Fosdick. You and Your English-Spoken English and broken English G.B. Shaw. Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary- Antonym, Synonym, Homophones, Homonyms. Often confused words. Exercises to Help the students in the enrichment of vocabulary based on TOEFL and other competitive examinations. Functional grammar: Articles, Prepositions, Verb, Subject verb Agreement, Transformation, Synthesis. Direct and Indirect Narration. Written Skills: Paragraph writing, Precise writing, Report writing and Proposal writing. The Style: Importance of professional writing. Preparation of Curriculum Vitae and Job applications. Synopsis Writing. Interviews: kinds. Importance and process.


Listening Comprehension: Listening to short talks lectures, speeches (scientific, commercial and general in nature). Oral Communication: Phonetics, stress and intonation, Conversation practice. Conversation: rate of speech, clarity of volce, speaking and Listening, politeness & Reading skills: reading dialogues, rapid reading, intensive reading, Improving reading skills. Mock Interviews: testing initiative, team spirit, leadership, intellectual ability. Group Discussions.

9. Agricultural Heritage


Introduction of Indian agricultural heritage; Ancient agricultural practices. Relevance of heritage to present day agriculture; Past and present status of agriculture and farmers in society; Journey of Indian agriculture and its development from past to modern era; Plant production and protection through indigenous traditional knowledge; Crop voyage in India and world; Agriculture scope; Importance of agriculture and agricultural resources available in India; Crop significance and classifications; National agriculture setup in India; Current scenario of Indian agriculture; Indian agricultural concerns and future prospects.

Remedial Courses (Opt. any one of following)

10. General Agriculture-1 (Remedial Course)

 Agriculture of Intermediate standard including subjects o Agronomy, Soll Science, Horticulture and Plant Pathology

11. Introductory Biology (Remedial Course)

Introduction to the living world, diversity and characteristics of life, origin of life, Evolution and Eugenics. Binomial nomenclature and classification Cell and cell division. Morphology of flowing plants. Seed and seed germination. Plant systematic-viz; Brassicacae, Fabacae and Poaceae. Role of animals in agriculture. Practical

Morphology of flowering plants root, stem and leaf and their modifications.Inference, flower and fruits.Cell, tissues& cell division. Internal structure of root, stem and leaf. Study of specimens and slides. Description of plants - Brassicaccae, Fabaceac and Poaceae.

Remedial Courses (Opt any one of following)

12. General Agriculture-II ("Remedial Course)

13. Elementary Mathematics("Remedial course)

Straight lines: Distance formula, section formula (internal and external division), Change of axes (only origin changed). Equation of co-ordinate axes, Equation of lines parallelto axes, Slope-intercept form of equation of line, Slope-point form of equation of line. Twopoint form of equation of line, Intercept form of equation of line, Normal form of equation ofline, General form of equation of line, Point of intersection of two st. lines, Angles betweentwo st. lines, Parallel lines, Perpendicular lines, Angle of bisectors between two lines. Area oftriangle and quadrilateral. Circle: Equation of circle whose centre and radius is known, Generalequation of a circle, Equation of circle passing through three given points, Equation of circlewhose diameters is line joining two points (xj. yj) & (x2.y2)> Tangent and Normal to a givencircle at given point (Simple problems), Condition of tangency of a line ynix + c to the givencircle x2 + y2 a. Differential Calculus: Definition of function, limit and continuity, Simpleproblems on limit, Simple problems on continuity, Differentiation of xn, en, sin x &cos x fromfirst principle, Derivatives of sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, Differentiation of functions of functions (Simple problem based on it), Logarithmicdifferentiation (Simple problem based on it), Differentiation by substitution method and simpleproblems based on it. Differentiation of Inverse Trigonometric functions. Maxima and Minimaof the functions of the form y=f(x) (Simple problems based on it).


NSS (National Service Scheme)

NCC (National Cadet Corps)

Physical Education & Yoga Practices

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About the Author

I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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