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B.Sc. Ag. (Hons) 5th Semester Syllabus According to ICAR 5th Dean Committee

B.Sc. Ag. Hons 5th Semester Syllabus According to ICAR 5th Dean Committee
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Syllabus of Subjects 

1. Rainfed and Dryland Agriculture 


Rainfed and dryland agriculture- Introduction, types and history; Problems and prospects of rainfed and dryland agriculture in India. Soil and climatic conditions prevalent in dryland areas. Drought: types, effect of water deficit on physio-morphological characteristics of the plants. Mechanism of crop adaptation under moisture deficit conditions. Efficient utilization of water through soil and crop management practices, management of crops in dryland areas. Contingent crop planning for aberrant weather conditions. 

Studies on classifications climate, studies on rainfall pattern in rainfed areas of the country. Studies on cropping pattern of different dryland areas in the country and demarcation of dryland area on map of India. Interpretation of metrological data and scheduling of supplemental irrigations on the basis of evapo-transpiration demand of crops, effective rainfall and its calculations. Numerical problems on runoff and drainage co-efficient. Visit to rainfed/dryland research stations/watersheds.

2. Crop Improvement-1 (Kharif) 


Centers of origin. distribution of species. wild relatives in different cereals (Rice, Maize, Sorghum and Pear[millet); pulses (Pigeonpea, Urdbean and Mungbean); oilseeds (Groundnut); fibre (Cotton). Important concepts of breeding self-pollinated and cross pollinated. Major breeding objectives and procedures including conventional and modern innovative approaches for development of hybrids and varieties for yield, adaptability, stability, abiotic and biotic stress and quality (physical, chemical, nutritional); Hybrid seed production technology in Maize, Rice, Sorghum, Pearl millet and Pigeonpea.

Floral biology, emasculation and hybridization techniques in different crop species; viz., Rice, Maize, Sorghum, Pearl millet, Pigeonpea, Urdbean, Mungbean, Groundnut, Cotton crops.

3. Pests of Crops and Store Grain & their Management

  • Theory
  • General account on nature and type of damage by following insect pests arthropods pests.  Scientific name, order, family, host range, distribution, biology and bionomics. nature of damage, and management of major pests and scientific name, order, family, host range, distribution, nature of damage and control practice other important arthropod pests(mites) of various field crops. Factors affecting losses of stored grain and role of physical, biological, mechanical and chemical factors in deterioration of grain. Insect pests, mites, rodents, birds and microorganisms associated with stored grain and their management. Storage structure and methods of grain storage and fundamental principles of grain store management.
    • Paddy: Leptocorisa varicornis, Hieroglyphus Spp., Nilaparvata lugens, Nephotetix spp., Mythimna separata
    • Sorghum and Maize: Chilo partelius. Atherigona variasoccata, Scirpophaga excerpatalis. Chilo infuscatelles
    • Sugarcane: Top borer, Pyrilla, Early Shoot borer and white fly
    • Cotton: Pectinaphora gossypiella. Earlas Spp, Sylepta derogata, Dysdercus Spp, Bemisia tabaci, Amrasca bigutulla
    • Oilseeds: Lipaphis erysimi, Athalla proxima, Bagrada cruciferum, Dasyneura lini
    • Pulses: Helicoverpa armigera Agrotis Spp., Etlella zinckenella
    • Pests of Stored Grains: Sitophilus oryzae, Trogoderma granarium, Sitotroga cerealella, Callosobruchus chinensis. consanguinea, Sellosoma
    • Polyphagous pests: Odontotermes obesus, Holotrichia Spodoptera litura. obliqua,
    • Non insect pests and their damaged materials

    4. Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Price 


    Agricultural Marketing: Concepts and definitions of market, marketing, agricultural marketing, market structure, marketing mix and market segmentation. classification and characteristics of agricultural markets; demand, supply and producer's surplus of agricultural commodities; Nature and determinants of demand and supply of farm products; Producer's surplus meaning and its types, marketable and marketed surplus, factors affecting marketable surplus of agricultural commodities; cost based and competition based pricing.

    Market promotion advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity their meaning, merits & demerits; Marketing process and functions: Marketing process - concentration, dispersion and equalization; exchange functions - buying and selling; physical functions - storage, transport and processing; facilitating functions packaging, branding, grading, quality control and labelling (Agmark).

    Market functionaries and marketing channels: types and importance of agencies involved in agricultural marketing; meaning and definition of marketing channel; number of channel levels; marketing channels for different farm products.

    Integration, efficiency, costs and price spread: meaning, definition and types of market integration; marketing efficiency; marketing costs, margins and price spread; factors affecting cost of marketing: reasons for higher marketing costs of farm commodities; ways of reducing marketing costs; Role of Govt. in agricultural marketing: public sector institutions - CWC, SWC, FCI, CACP & DMI: their objectives and functions; recent changes in

    farming laws including e - NAM, removal of stock limit and contract farming; cooperative marketing in India.

    Risk in marketing types of risk in marketing; speculation & hedging; an overview of futures trading; Agricultural prices and policy: meaning and functions of prices; administered prices; need for agricultural price policy.

    Trade: concept of international trade and its needs, theories of absolute and comparative advantage. Present status and prospects of

    international trade in agricultural

    commodities; GATT and WTO; Agreement on Agriculture (AOA) and its implications on Indian agriculture; IPR, GST.

    5. Protected Structure & Secondary Agriculture


    Green house technology, Types of green houses, Plant response to green house environment, Planning and design of greenhouses. Design criteria of green house for cooling and heating purposes. Green house equipments, materials of construction for traditional and low cost green houses. Irrigation systems used in greenhouses, typical applications, passive solar green house, hot air green house heating systems, green house drying; hydroponic farming and its structure. Important engineering properties such as physical, thermal, aero and hydrodynamic properties of cereals, pulses and ollseed, their application in PHT equipment and their operation. Drying and dehydration, moisture measurement, EMC, drying theory, various drying methods, commercial grain dryer viz. deep bed dryer, flat bed dryer, tray dryer, fluidized bed dryer. recirculatory dryer and solar dryer, Material handling equipments, conveyer and elevators, their principle, working and selection.

    6. Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops and their Management-I


    Symptoms of plant diseases, Koch postulates. Symptoms, etiology, disease cycle and management of major diseases of following crops: Field Crops: Rice: Blast, Brown spot, Bacterial Blight. Sheath blight, false smut, Khaira and tungro; Maize: downy mildew.; Sorghum: smuts; Bajra: downy mildew and ergot; Groundnut: early and leaf spots; Pigeonpea: Phytophthora blight, wilt and sterility mosaic; Green gram: Cercospora leaf spot, web blight and yellow mosaic; Tobacco: Mosaic. Horticultural Crops: Guava: wilt and anthracnose; Banana: Panamawilt, sigatoka and bunchy top; Papaya: foot rot and leaf curl.

    Cruciferous vegetable: Alternaria leaf spot and black rot; Brinjal: phomopsis blight, sclerotinia and little leaf; Tomato: early and late blight, leaf curl and mosaic; Okra: Yellow Vein Mosaic; Beans: Anthracnose and bacterial blight: ginger: soft rot; Colocasia: Phytophthora blight.


    Identification and histopathological studies of selected diseases of field and horticultural crops covered in theory. Field visit for the diagnosis of field problems. Collection and preservation of plant diseased specimens for herbarium Note: Students should submit 10 pressed and well-mounted specimens.

    7. Production Technology of Fruits & Plantation Crops


    Importance and scope of fruit and plantation crop industry in India; High densityplanting; Use of rootstocks; Production technologies for the cultivation of major fruits-mango, banana, citrus, grape, guava, litchi, aonla, papaya, apple, pear, peach, walnut and; minor fruits-pineapple, pomegranate, jackfruit, ber, strawberry. Plantation crops-coconut, arecanut, cashew, tea and coffee. Major problems of fruit and plantation crops.

    8. Communication Skills and Personality Development


    Communication: meaning and definition: Principles and process of communication. models and barriers to communication; Verbal and nonverbal communication. Communication Skills: Listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab record; indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing, summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentations, impromptu presentation, public speaking; Group discussion. Organizing seminars and conferences. Diffusion and adoption of innovation: concept and meaning, process and stages of adoption, adopter categories.


    Listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab record;
    indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of general and
    technical articles, precise writing, summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentations

    9. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)


    Introduction and meaning of intellectual property, brief introduction to GATT, WTO. TRIPS and WIPO, Treaties for I PR protection; Types of Intellectual Property and legislations covering IPR in India: Patents, Copyrights, Trademark, Industrial design, Geographical indications, Integrated circuits, Trade secrets. Patents Act 1970 and Patent system in India, patentability. process and product patent, filing of patent, patent specification, patent claims, Patent opposition and revocation, infringement, Compulsory licensing. Patent Cooperation Treaty, Patent search and patent database. Origin and history including a brief introduction to UPOV for protection of plant varieties, Protection of plant varieties under UPOV and PPV&FRAct of India, Plant breeder's rights, Registration of plant varieties under PPV&FR Act 2001, breeders, researcher and farmers rights. International treaty on plant genetic resources for foodand agriculture (ITPGRFA). Indian Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and its salient features, access and benefit sharing.

    10. Principles of Food Science & Nutrition


    GENERAL: Definition of food and food science. Composition of food, Foods of animal origin, Chemistry and Function of Carbohydrate, Fat, Proteins, Minerals and Vitamins, their dietary requirements and bio-availability, Nutritional deficiency diseases.

    Flavours and colours used in food. Food microbiology. Probiotics, preblotics and synbiotics. Composition and processing of different livestock products, feed additives, antibiotics, enzymes and hormones.


    a. Microbiological study of Milk.

    b. Water quality test.

    c. Study of Nutritional deficient conditions.

    d. Study of Nutritional disorders.

    e. Quality parameters of different livestock products

    f. Visit to food processing industry

    11. Geo-informatics & Nanotechnology


    Precision agriculture :concepts and techniques their issues and concerns for Indian agriculture. Geo-Informatics- definition concepts, tool and techniques; their use in Precision Agriculture. Crop discrimination and yield monitoring, soil mapping; fertilizer recommendation using geospatial technologies: Spatial data and their management in GIS; Remote sensing concepts and application in agriculture; Image processing and Interpretation; Global positioning system (GPS), components and its functions; Nanotechnology, definition, concepts and techniques, brief introduction about nanoscale effects, nano-particles, nano- pesticides, nano-fertilizers, nano-sensors. Use of nanotechnology in seed, water, fertilizer, plant protection for scaling-up farm productivity.


    Introduction to GIS software, Introduction to image processing software. Visual interpretation of remote sensing images. Generation of spectral profiles of different objects. Supervised and unsupervised classification and acreage estimation.. Multispectral remote sensing for soil mapping. Creation of thematic layers of soil fertility based on GIS. Creation of productivity and management zones. Fertilizers recommendations based of VRT and STCR techniques. Crop stress (biotic/abiotic) monitoring using geospatial technology. Use of GPS for agricultural survey. Formulation. characterization and applications of nanoparticles in agriculture. Projects formulation and execution related to precision farming.

    12. Elective Courses

    (To be opted any One of the following) 

    A. Agri-business Management


    Transformation of agriculture into agri-business, various stakeholders and components of agri-business systems, Importance of agri-business in the Indian economy and new agricultural policy, distinctive features of agri-business management.
    Importance and needs of agro-based industries, classification of industries and types of agro-based industries; institutional arrangement, procedure to set up agro-based industries, Constraints to establishing agro-based industries.
    Agri-value chain understanding primary and support activities and their linkages, business environment: PEST and SWOT analysis, management functions roles and activities, organization culture.
    Planning, meaning, definition and types of plans, purpose or mission, goals or objectives, strategies, policy procedures, rules, programmes and budget, components of a business plan, steps in planning and implementation.
    Organization staffing, directing and motivation, ordering, leading, supervision, communication and control; capital management and financial management of agri- business, financial statements and their importance; marketing management: segmentation, targeting and positioning, marketing mix and marketing strategies, consumer behaviour analysis, Product Life Cycle (PLC), Sales and distribution management, pricing policy and various pricing methods.
    Project management: definition, project cycle, identification, formulation, appraisal,
    implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

    B. Agrochemicals


    An introduction to agrochemicals, their type and role in agriculture, effect on environment, soil, human and animal health. Merits and demerits of their uses in agriculture. Management of agrochemicals for sustainable agriculture. Herbicides-Major classes, properties and important herbicides. Fate of herbicides. Fungicides-Classification- Inorganic fungicides- characteristics, preparation and use of sulfur and copper, Mode of action-Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride. Organic fungicides- Mode of action- Dithiocarbamates- characteristics, preparation and use of Zineb and maneb.

    Systemic fungicides- Benomyl. carbox in, oxycarboxin, Metalaxyl, Carbendazim. characteristics and use. Introduction and classification of insecticides: Inorganic and organic insecticides Organochlorine, Organophosphates, Carbamates, Synthetic pyrethrolds Neonicotinoids. Hiorationals. Insecticide Act and rules, Insecticides banned, withdrawn and restricted use, Fate of insecticides in soil & plant. IGRs Biopesticides, Reduced risk insecticides, Botanicals, plant and animal systemic Insecticides their characteristics and uses. Fertilizers and their importance. Nitrogenous fertilizers: Feed stocks and Manufacturing of ammonium sulphate. ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride, urea. Slow release N- fertilizers. Phosphatic fertilizers: feedstock and manufacturing of single superphosphate. Preparation of bone meal and basic slag. Potassic fertilizers: Natural sources of potash, manufacturing of potassium chloride, potassium sulphate and potassium nitrate. Mixed and complex fertilizers: Sources and compatibility-preparation of major, secondary and micronutrient mixtures. Complex fertilizers: Manufacturing of ammonium phosphates, nitrophosphates and NPK complexes. Fertilizer control order. Fertilizer logistics and marketing. Plant bio-pesticides for ecological agriculture, Bio-insect repellent..

    C.  Commercial Plant Breeding


    Types of crops and modes of plant reproduction. Line development and maintenance breeding in self and cross pollinated crops (A/B/R and two line system) for development of hybrids and seed production. Genetic purity test of commercial hybrids. Advances in hybrid seed production of maize, rice, sorghum, pearl millet, castor, sunflower. cotton pigeon pea. Brassica etc. Quality seed production of vegetable crops under open and protected environment. Alternative strategies for the development of the line and cultivars: haploid inducer, tissue culture techniques and biotechnological tools. IPR issues in commercial plant breeding: DUS testing and registration of varieties under PPV & FR Act. Variety testing, release and notification systems in India Principles and techniques of seed production, types ofseeds, quality testing in self and cross pollinated crops.

    D. Landscaping


    Importance and scope of landscaping. Principles of landscaping, garden styles and types. terrace gardening, vertical gardening. garden components and adornments; lawn making; rockery; water garden. walk-paths, bridges, other constructed features etc.; gardens for special purposes. Ornamental Trees: selection, propagation, planting schemes, canopy management; shrubs and herbaceous perennials: selection, propagation, planting schemes, architecture. Climber and creepers: importance, selection, propagation, planting, Annuals: selection, propagation, planting scheme. Other garden plants:
    palms, ferns, grasses and cacti succulents. Pot plants: selection, arrangement, management. Bio- aesthetic planning: definition, need, planning; Landscaping of urban and rural areas; Peri-urban landscaping, Landscaping of schools, public places like bus station, railway station, townships, river banks, hospitals, play grounds, airports, Industries, Institutions. Bonsal: principles and management, lawn: establishment and maintenance. Computer Aided Garden Design (CAD) application.

    E. Food Safety & Standards


    Food Safety - Definition, Importance, Scope and Factors affecting Food Safety, Hazards and Risks, Types of hazards Biological, Chemical, Physical hazards. Management of hazards - Need. Control of parameters. Temperature control. Food storage. Product design. Hygiene and Sanitation in Food Service Establishments- Introduction. Sources of contamination and their control. Waste Disposal. Pest and Rodent Control. Personnel Hygiene. Food Safety Measures. Food Safety Management Tools- Basic concepts. PRPS, OMPS, SSOPs etc. HACCP. ISO series. TQM - concept and need for quality. components of TQM. Kaizen. Risk Analysis. Accreditation and Auditing. Water Analysis, Surface Sanitation and Personal Hygiene. Food laws and Standards-Indian Food Regulatory Regime, FSSA. Global Scenario CAC. Other laws and standards related to food. Recent concerns- New and Emerging Pathogens. Packaging, Product labeling and Nutritional labeling. Genetically modified foods transgenics. Organic foods, Newer approaches to food safety, Recent Outbreaks, Indian and International Standards for food products.

    F. Bio-pesticides & Bio-fertilizers


    History and concept of biopesticides. Importance. scope and potential of blopesticide. Definitions, concepts and classification of biopesticides viz. pathogen, botanical pesticides, and biorationales. Botanicals and their uses. Mass production technology of bio-pesticides. Virulence, pathogenicity and symptoms of entomopathogenic pathogens and nematodes. Methods of application of biopesticides. Methods of quality control and Techniques of biopesticides. Impediments and limitation in production and use of biopesticide. Biofertilizers-Introduction. status and scope. Structure and characteristic features of bacterial biofertilizers- Azospirillum, Azotobacler, Pseudomonas. Rhizobium and Franicia; Cynobacterial biofertilizers- Anabaena, Nostoc, Hapalosiphon and fungal biofertilizers- AM mycorrhiza and ectomycorhiza. Nitrogen fixation -Free living and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Mechanism of phosphate soluhilization and phosphate mobilization, K solubilization. Production technology: Strain selection, sterilization, growth and fermentation, mass production of carrier based and liquid biofertiizers. FCC) specifications and quality control of biofertilizers. Application technology for seeds', seedlings, tubers, sets etc. Bliofertilizers -Storage, shelf life, quality control and marketing. Factors influencing the efficacy of biofertilizers.

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    I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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