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B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) 3th Semester Syllabus | According to ICAR 5th Dean Committee

B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) 3th Semester Syllabus | According to ICAR 5th Dean Committee
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 Total Subject 

1. Crop Production  Technology - I (Kharif Crops)


Origin, geographical distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirements, varieties, cultural practices and yield of kharif crops. Cereals - rice, maize, sorghum, pearl millet and brief knowledge of finger millet, proso millet, barnyard millet, kodo millet and foxtail millet; Pulses pigeon pea, mung bean and urd bean; Oilseeds- til, groundnut and soybean; Fibre crops - cotton and jute; Forage crops - sorghum, cowpea, cluster-bean and napier.


Rice nursery preparation, transplanting of rice, sowing of soybean, pigeon pea and mung bean, effect of seed size on germination of maize, groundnut and cotton, effect of sowing depth on germination of kharif crops, identification and preparation of herbaria of weeds and their seeds in kharif season crops, top dressing and foliar feeding of nutrients, numerical problems on seed and fertilizer requirement of kharif crops, study of yield contributing characters and yield calculation of kharif season crops, study of crop varieties and important agronomic experiments at experimental farm, visit to research centers related to crops.

2. Practical Crop Production 


Crop planning, raising field crops in multiple cropping systems, field preparation, seed treatment, nursery raising, sowing, nutrient, water and weed management, management of Insect-pests and diseases of crops, harvesting, threshing, drying winnowing, storage and marketing of produce. The emphasis will be given to seed production. Mechanization, resource conservation and integrated nutrient, insect-pest and disease management technologies. Preparation of balance-sheet including cost of cultivation and net return per ha and per student. A sizeable area of land (minimum 1000 m²) shall be allocated to a team comprising of 10 students for raising crops at agricultural farm of college.

3. Fundamentals of Plant Breeding 


Historical development, concepts, nature and role of plant breeding, major achievementsand future prospects; Genetics in relation to plant breeding, modes of reproduction andapomixis, self-incompatibility and male sterility-genetic consequences. Domestication, Acclimatization and Introduction: Centres of origin and diversity, components of Genetic variation; Heritability and genetic advance; Genetic basis and breeding methods in self-pollinated crops-mass and pure line selection, hybridization techniques and handling of segregating population; Multiline concept. Concepts of population genetics and Hardy- Weinberg Law; Genetic basis and methods of breeding cross pollinated crops. modes of selection; Population improvement Schemes-Ear to row method, modified Ear to Row. recurrent selection. Heterosis and inbreeding depression. development of inbred lines and hybrids, composite and synthetic varieties; Breeding methods in asexually propagated crops. clonal selection and hybridization: Maintenance of breeding records and data collection; Wide Hybridization and pre-breeding; Polyploidy in relation to plant breeding. Mutation breeding- methods and uses; Breeding for important biotic and abiotic stresses.


Plant Breeder's kit, Study of germplasm of various crops. Study of floral structure of self- pollinated and cross-pollinated crops. To work out the mode of pollination in a given crop.

4. Agricultural Microbiology 


Introduction of Microbial world: Prókaryotic and eukaryotic microbes. Bacteria: cell structure, chemoautotrophy, photo autotrophy, growth. Bacterial genetics: Genetic recombination transformation, conjugation and transduction. plasmids, transposon. Role of microbes in soil fertility and crop production: Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur cycles. Biological nitrogen fixation- symbiotic, associative and asymbiotic. Azolla, blue green algae and mycorrhiza. Rhizosphere and phyllosphere. Microbes in human welfare: biofertilizers, bio- pesticides, biofuel production and biodegradation. Microbial degradation of agricultural residues. Cellulose decomposing microbes for compost preparation & vermi compost.


Introduction to microbiology laboratory and its equipments; principles of microscopy. Methods of sterilization. Nutritional media and their preparations. Enumeration of microbial population in soil- bacteria. fungi, actinomycetes. Methods of isolation and purification of microbial cultures. Isolation of Rhizobium from legume root nodule. Isolation of Azotobacter from soil. Isolation of Azospirillum from roots. Isolation of BGA. Staining and microscopic examination of microbes.

5. Agriculture Finance & Co-operation 


Agricultural Finance: meaning, scope and significance, credit needs and its role in Indian agriculture. Agricultural credit: meaning, definition, need, classification and characteristics good agricultural credit. Recent developments in agricultural credit.

Credit analysis: Criteria for lending agricultural credit - 3 R's and 4 C's of credits, Cost of credit. Sources of agricultural finance institutional and non institutional sources, commercial banks, social control and nationalization of commercial banks; Micro financing including KCC. Lead bank scheme, RRBs, Scale of finance and unit cost.

An introduction to higher financing institutions - RBI, NABARD, ADB, IMF, world bank, Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India.

Preparation and analysis of financial statements - Balance Sheet and Income Statement, basic guidelines for preparation of project reports - Bank norms, SWOT analysis.

Agricultural Cooperation meaning, brief history of cooperative development in India, objectives, principles of cooperation, significance of cooperatives in Indian agriculture. Agricultural Cooperation in India credit, marketing, consumer and multi-purpose cooperative societies, farmers' service societies, processing cooperatives, Farming cooperatives, warehousing cooperatives; role of ICA, NCUI, NCDC, NAFED.


1. Analysis of progress and performance of commercial banks and RRBs using published data.

2. Visit to a commercial bank, cooperative bank and cooperative society to acquire firsthand knowledge of their management, schemes and procedures.

3. Estimation of credit requirement of farm business - A case study.

4. Preparation and analysis of balance sheet - A case study.

5. Preparation and analysis of income statement - A case study. 

6. Appraisal of a loan proposal -

A case study. Techno-economic parameters to be considered for preparation of projects.

6. Farm Machinery & Power 


Status of farm power in India, Sources of farm power, I.C. engines, working principles of I.C. engines. comparison of two stroke and four stroke cycle engines, Study of different components of I.C. engine, I.C. engine terminology and solved problems, Familiarization with different systems of I.C. engines, Air cleaning, cooling, lubrication, fuel supply and hydraulic control system of a tractor, Familiarization with power transmission system: clutch, gear box, differential and final drive of a tractor, tractor types, cost analysis of tractor power and attached Implement, Familiarization with primary and secondary tillage implement, Implement for hill agriculture, implement for Intercultural operations, Familiarization with sowing and planting equipment, calibration of a seed drill and solved examples, Familiarization with plant protection equipment. Familiarization with harvesting and threshing equipment, machines for crop residues management.


Familiarization of different components of I.C. engines, Study of air and water cooling engine. Familiarization with clutch, transmission, differential and final drive of a tractor, Familiarization with lubrication and fuel supply system of engine, Familiarization with brake, steering, hydraulic control system of engine, Learning of tractor driving. Familiarization with operation of power tiller, Implements for hill agriculture, Familiarization with different types of primary and secondary tillage implements: mould-board plough, disc plough and disc harrow. Familiarization with seed- cum-fertilizer drills, seed metering mechanism and calibration, planters and transplanters, Familiarization with different types of sprayers and dusters, Familiarization with different inter- cultivation equipment, Familiarization with harvesting and threshing machinery.

7. Principles of Integrated Disease Management 


Categories of diseases, IDM: Introduction, history, importance, concepts, principles and tools of IDM. Economic importance of. diseases and Methods of detection and diagnosis of and diseases. Calculation and dynamics of economic injury level and importance of Economic threshold level. Methods of control: Plant quarantine, physical, cultural, mechanical, biological, chemical and host plant resistance. Survey surveillance and forecasting of diseases. Safety issues in fungicide uses. Political, social and legal implication of IDM.


Methods of diagnosis and detection of plant diseases, Methods of plant disease measurement, Assessment of crop yield losses, calculations based on economics of IDM, Identification of biocontrol agents. Identification and nature of damage of important diseases and their management., crop monitoring attacked by diseases Farmers fields visit AV

8. Environmental Studies & Disaster Management 

Theory - Brief Idea

Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies, definition, scope and importance, Natural resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources, Natural resources and associated problems, Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation. case studies. Timber extraction, mining. dams and their effects on forest and tribal people. Water resources: Use and over- utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams- benefits and problems. Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies. Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture. Fertilizer- pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies. Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources, case studies. Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, structure and function of an ecosystem. Producers, consumers and decomposers, energy flow in the ecosystem. Ecological succession, food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids. Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of forest ecosystem, grassland ecosystem, desert ecosystem, aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries), Biodiversity and its conservation. Introduction, definition, genetic, species and ecosystem diversity and biogeographical classification of India. Value of biodiversity, consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values. Biodiversity at global, national and local levels. India as a mega- diversity nation, Hot- sports of biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts. Endangered and endemic species of India. Conservation of biodiversity, in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity, Environmental pollution: definition.

9. Statistical Methods 


Introduction to Statistics and its Applications in Agriculture, Graphical Representation of Data., Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion. Definition of Probability. Addition and Multiplication Theorem (without proof). Simple Problems Based on Probability. Binomial & Poisson Distributions, Definition of Correlation. Scatter Diagram. Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation. Linear Regression Equations. Introduction to Test of Significance, One sample & two sample test t for Means. Chi-Square Test of Independence of Attributes in 2 x2 Contingency Table. Introduction to Analysis of Variance. Analysis of One Way Classification. Introduction to Sampling Methods. Sampling versus Complete Enumeration, Simple Random Sampling with and without replacement. Use of Random Number Tables for selection of Simple Random Sample.


Graphical Representation of Data. Measures of Central Tendency (Ungrouped data) with Calculation of Quartiles, Deciles & Percentiles. Measures of Central Tendency (Grouped data) with Calculation of Quartiles, Deciles & Percentiles. Measures of Dispersion (Ungrouped Data). Measures of Dispersion (Grouped Data). Moments, Measures of Skewness & Kurtosis (Ungrouped Data). Moments, Measures of Skewness & Kurtosis (Grouped Data). Correlation & Regression Analysis. Application of One Sample t-test. Application of Two Sample Fisher's t- test. Chi-Square test of Goodness of Fit. Chi-Square test of Independence of Attributes for 2x2 contingency table. Analysis of Variance One Way Classification. Analysis of Variance Two Way Classification. Selection of random sample using Simple Random Sampling.

10. Fundamental of Soil & Water Conservation 


Introduction to soil and water conservation, causes of soil erosion. Definition and agents of soil erosion, water erosion: Forms of water erosion. Gully classification and control measures. Soil loss estimation by universal soil Loss Equation. Soil loss measurement techniques control: Introduction to contouring, strip cropping, contour bunding, graded bunding and bench terracing. Grassed water ways and their design. Water harvesting and Its techniques. Wind erosion: mechanics of wind erosion, types of soll movement. Principles of wind erosion control and Its control measures.


General status of soll conservation In India. Calculation of erosion Index. Estimation of soll loss. Measurement of soil loss. Preparation of contour maps. Design of grassed water ways, contour bunds, graded bunds, bench terracing system. Problem on wind erosion. 

11. Dairy Science 


GENERAL: Concept of Dairying, Dairying in India, Dairy development in different five year plans, Dairy production statistics.

Dairy cooperatives and their functioning, AMUL model, White revolution, Objectives and achievements of operation flood, pricing policy of milk.

Milk and its secretion, Composition of milk, Quality of milk, Nutritive value of milk and milk product, Transportation and milk distribution, platform tests, Filtration, Straining and Clarification of milk, Standardization, Milk adulteration and its detection, Common preservatives of milk and their detection, Legal standards of market milk, Factors affecting the quality and quantity of milk, Cleaning and sanitization of dairy equipment.

Basic principles of refrigeration and cold storage of milk and milk product. Common adulterants of ghee, khoa and their detection.


a. Sampling of milk.

b. C.O.B. Test

C. M.B.R. Test

d. Sediment test.

e. Specific gravity of milk by lactometer.

f. Fat test by Gerber's method.

g. T.S. & S.N.F. percentage by Richmond's scale and formula

h. Problems on Standardization.

i. Detection of adulterants viz. water, starch, sucrose, urea, detergent and refined oil

J. Problems on adulteration.

k. Detection of preservatives.

1. Alcohol test.

Acidity of milk.

12. Fundamentals of Entomology -II


Insect Ecology: Introduction, Environment and Its components. Effect of abiotic factors- temperature, moisture, humidity, rainfall, light, atmospheric pressure and air currents. Effect of biotic factors - food competition, natural and environmental resistance.

Categories of pests. Concept of IPM, Practices, scope and limitations of IPM. Classification of Insecticides, toxicity of Insecticides and formulations of insecticides. Chemical control- Importance, hazards and limitations. Recent methods of pest control, repellents, anti feed ants, hormones. attractants, gamma radiation. Insecticides Act 1968- Important provisions. Application techniques of spray fluids. Symptoms of poisoning, first aid and antidotes. Survey, surveillance and forecasting of insect pests. Safety issues of pesticides uses.


Sampling techniques for estimation of insect population and damage. Insecticides and their formulations. Pesticide appliances and their maintenance.

Note: Don't purchase any printed syllabus from bookstore because many publications do changes in syllabus according to their books. Always download original syllabus from official website. On this site You get official Syllabus of 5th Dean committee.

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