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Disease of Mango PPT - Agrobotany

Disease of Mango
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disease of mango

Black Tip of Mango:

Causal Organism:

The black tip of mango is not caused by a biological pathogen like a fungus, bacterium, or virus. Instead, it is a physiological disorder. The primary cause is attributed to atmospheric pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO₂), which are often released from brick kilns located near mango orchards. The disorder is particularly prevalent in regions where brick kilns operate in close proximity to mango plantations.


- Initial Symptoms: The tips of the mango fruit start showing a brown to black discoloration.

- Progression: The affected area expands towards the base of the fruit, covering a significant portion of the fruit’s surface. 

- Fruit Deformity: In severe cases, the fruit may become deformed and exhibit retarded growth.

- Necrosis: Tissue necrosis (death of tissue) occurs at the affected parts, leading to blackening and hardening of the tip.

- Reduced Market Value: Fruits with black tips are often downgraded in quality and market value.

Disease Cycle:

Since black tip is a physiological disorder and not a disease caused by a living pathogen, it doesn't have a traditional disease cycle involving infection, sporulation, and spread. However, the occurrence and severity can be described in terms of environmental conditions and human activities:

1. Emission of Pollutants: Sulfur dioxide (SO₂) emissions from nearby brick kilns are the primary source of the problem.

2. Deposition on Fruits: The emitted SO₂ settles on the developing mango fruits, particularly affecting those at the tip.

3. Physiological Response: The interaction of SO₂ with the plant tissue causes oxidative stress and leads to cellular damage, resulting in blackening of the fruit tips.


Managing black tip of mango involves both preventive measures and cultural practices aimed at reducing the exposure of mango orchards to pollutants:

1. Relocation of Brick Kilns: One of the most effective measures is the relocation of brick kilns away from mango orchards. This reduces the exposure of mango trees to harmful pollutants.

2. Buffer Zones: Establishing green belts or buffer zones around mango orchards can help in absorbing pollutants before they reach the fruit.

3. Orchard Management:

   - Regular Monitoring: Keeping a close watch on the orchard for early signs of black tip and taking prompt action.

   - Irrigation: Adequate and timely irrigation can help in washing away pollutants from the fruit surface.

   - Nutrient Management: Ensuring proper nutrient supply to the trees can enhance their resilience to environmental stress.

4. Use of Protective Sprays: In some cases, protective sprays like lime or milk of lime (calcium hydroxide) can be applied to the fruit surface to neutralize the acidic pollutants.

5. Awareness and Advocacy: Educating farmers and local communities about the causes and preventive measures for black tip can lead to better management practices and policy advocacy for pollution control.

About the Author

I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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