Section A
(Very Short Type Questions)
Question 1:
Give the name of two important disease of Mango with their pathogen.
आम में लगने वाले किन्हीं दो बीमारियों के नाम उनके रोगजनक के साथ लिखिए।
Anthracnose of Mango- Colletotrichum gloeosporioides var minor
Powdery Mildew of Mango - Oidium mangiferae
Question 2:
2. Write down the name of any two soil borne and two seed borne disease of
field crops.
खेत की फसल के किन्हीं दो मृदा जनित तथा दो बीज जनित रोगों के नाम लिखिए।
soil borne diseases include damping-off, root rot and vascular wilt.
seed-borne diseases include leaf stripe, Fusarium, and loose smut.
Question 3:
3. Describe the symptoms of Grassy shoot disease of sugarcanes.
गन्ने के घासी प्ररोह या घसैला रोग के लक्षण बताइए।
Excessive Tillering: The most characteristic symptom is the
production of numerous thin, grassy shoots due to excessive tillering.
Yellowing: Young leaves exhibit yellowing (chlorosis), particularly
at the leaf tips.
Stunted Growth: Infected plants often show stunted growth.
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Question 4:
4. Give the disease control management of Early blight of Potato.
आलू की अगेली अंगमारी के रोग नियंत्रण प्रबन्ध दीजिए
There are following practice which are used in management:
1. Cultural Practices:
Crop Rotation: Avoid planting potatoes or other Solanaceous
crops in the same field for consecutive years to reduce inoculum buildup.
Field Sanitation: Remove and destroy infected plant debris
after harvest.
Proper Irrigation: Use irrigation practices that minimize leaf
wetness periods, such as drip irrigation, and avoid overhead irrigation late
in the day.
Adequate Spacing: Ensure proper plant spacing to improve air
circulation and reduce humidity within the canopy.
2. Chemical Control:
Fungicides: Apply fungicides preventatively and according to
local recommendations. Common fungicides include chlorothalonil, mancozeb,
and azoxystrobin.
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Question 5:
5. Name the pathogen or causal Organism of Vascular will of cotton and Red
rot of Sugarcane.
कपास के म्लानि या उकठा रोग एवं गन्ने के लाल सड़न रोग के रोगजनक या रोगकारक
जीव का नाम बताइये।
Causal Organism of Vascular will of cotton - Verticillium dahliae
Read Full Lecture {Vascular will of cotton}
Causal Organism of Red rot of Sugarcane. - Colletotrichum falcatum
Read Full Lecture {Red rot of Sugarcane}
Section B
Short Type Questions
Question 6:
Give a brief description on Downy mildew of cucurbits.
कुकुरबिटस की मृदुरोमिल आसिता के बारे में संक्षिप्त वर्णन कीजिए।
Downy mildew of cucurbits is a significant disease affecting cucurbit crops
like cucumbers, melons, squashes, pumpkins, and gourds. Here is a detailed
overview of the causal organism, symptoms, etiology, disease cycle, and
Read Full Lecture
Question 7:
Write a short Note on Wilt of Gram.
चने के उकठा रोग के बारे में संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी लिखिए।
Wilt of Gram, caused by the fungus **Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri**, is
a significant disease affecting chickpea crops worldwide.
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Question 8:
Give a brief description on Anthracnose of Chilli.
मिर्च की एंथ्रेक्नोज के बारे में संक्षिप्त वर्णन कीजिए।
Wilt of Gram, caused by the Fungal pathogen Colletotrichum spp., is a significant disease affecting chickpea crops worldwide
Read Full Lecture
Question 9:
Long question in Section C. Scroll down
Question 10:
Question 11:
Question 12:
Section C
(Long Type Questions)
Question 13:
Describe in detail the symptoms, etiology, disease cycle and management of
Loose smut of Wheat.
गेहूँ के अनावृत कंड के लक्षण, हेतुकी, रोग चक्र तथा रोग प्रबंध का विस्तार से
वर्णन कीजिए।
Loose smut of wheat is a significant disease affecting wheat crops
worldwide, caused by the fungus Ustilago tritici. Here's a
detailed overview of its characteristics and management:
Read Full Lecture
Question 14:
Describe the symptoms, causal organism, disease cycle and management of
Powdery mildew of Pea.
मटर की चूर्णिल आसिता के लक्षण, रोगकारक जीव, रोगचक्र एवं प्रबंध का वर्णन
The causal organism of powdery mildew in pea plants is Erysiphe pisi. This fungus belongs to the Ascomycota division, characterized by white,
powdery fungal growth on plant surfaces.
Read Full Lecture
Question 15:
Explain the symptoms, etiology, disease cycle and management of late blight
of Potato.
आलू की पछेती अंगमारी के लक्षण, हेतुकी, रोग चक्र एवं प्रबंध की व्याख्या
Ans: Detailed answer is not possible on this page due to longevity.
Read Full Lecture
Question 16:
. Describe in detail the symptoms, etiology, disease cycle and management of
Downy mildew of Grapevine.
अंगूर की मृयुरोमिल आसिता के लक्षण, हेतुकी, रोगचक्र एवं प्रबन्ध का विस्तार से
वर्णन कीजिए।
Downy mildew of grapevine is a significant disease caused by the oomycete
Plasmopara viticola, characterized by yellow oily spots on leaves, white
downy growth on the undersides, and potential defoliation.
Read Full Lecture
Question 17:
Describe in detail the symptoms, causal organism and management of the
following disease (any three).
(i) Karnal Bunt {Read Full Lecture
(ii) Black tip of Mango {Read Full Lecture }
(iii) Citrus Canker {Read Full Lecture }
(iv) Black heart of Potato {Read Full Lecture
निम्नलिखित पादप रोगो में से किन्हीं तीन के लक्षण, रोग जनक या रोगकारक जीव तथा
रोग प्रबंध का विस्तार से वर्णन कीजिए।
(i) करनाल बंट।
(ii) आम का काला सिरा।
(iii) नींबू का खर्रा रोग। {Read Full Lecture }
(iv) आलू का ब्लैक हार्ट रोग।{Read Full Lecture }
Question 18:
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