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Fundamentals of Agronomy Previous Year Questions Paper [2011-24] - Agrobotany

Fundamentals of Agronomy Previous Year Questions Paper - Agrobotany
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Section A

Fill in th Blanks Question 30

Part 1
(i) The word 'Cereal' is derived from the word _________.(Ceres)
(ii) Scientific name of Bajra is __________. (Pennisetum glaucum)
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(iii) First Agricultural University was established at Pant Nagar in________.(1960)
(iv) Ravines are formed due to _________.(Vertical erosion)
(v) Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute is located at______. (Dehradun)
(vi). Cotton is a ____________ Crop. (Fiber)
(vii). Cultivation of crops without tillage is known as_________ Tillage. (Zero)
(viii). Extreme form of minimum tillage is__________. ( Zero Tillage)
(xi). Fertilizer application along with irrigation is known as___________. ( Fertigation
(x). Nitrogen content in DAP is_________. (18%)

Part 2

(i).  Sesame belongs to________  family. (Pedaliaceae). 
(ii). Deep tillage is a _____ Tillage Operation. ( Primary )
(iii). One cubic meter of irrigation water is equals to litters. (1000)
(iv). Indian Agricultural Research Institute is situated at ________. (New Delhi)
(v). Botanical name of Soybean is _________.  (Glycine max)
(vi). Father of Agronomy is ____________. (Peter dectussenzi )
(vii). The tag colour of Certified seed is ________. (Blue)
(viii). Indian Institute of Pulses Research is situated at _________.( Kanpur)
(xi). Potash percentage in M.O.P. is ______.(60%
(x). Cereals are deficient in _________ amino acid. (Lysine)

Part 3

(i). Tetrazolium test is conducted for testing _________  of seeds. (Viability). 
(ii). Single Super Phosphate contains _____ % of Sulfur. (16%
(iii). "Criteria for Essentiality of Mineral Nutrients" was coined by ____. ( Arnon & Stout )
(iv). The family name of rice is ____. (Poaceae
(v). The most critical growth stage of irrigation in wheat is _____. (CRI/ crown root Initiation
(vi). The optimum depth of puddling in rice is ______.(5cm)
(vii). C: N ratio of well decomposed organic manure is ______. ( 20:1)
(viii). Phalaris minor is an associated weed in _________ Crop. (Wheat
(xi). Neem cake contains.........%N.
(x). Indian journal of Agronomy is published from.........

Multi Choice Type Question[MCQs] 30

(i). Which of the following is a Kharif crop?
(1) Gram
(2) Mustard
(3) Wheat
(4) None of the above.

(ii). Contour bunding is recommended for areas receiving rainfall of about

(1) 500 mm
(2) 800 mm
(3) 1000 mm
(4) 1200 mm.

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(iii). Which of the following belongs to Cash crop?

(1) Wheat
(2) Rice
(3) Mungbean
(4) Tabacco.

(iv). Which of the following is a soil conserving crop?

(1) Bajra
(2) Maize
(3) Cowpea
(4) None of the above.

(v). In Shelter belts, tallest trees should be in the

(1) Outer rows
(2) Central rows
(3) Flank rows
(4) None.

(vi). Arthshastra was written by

(1) Kautilya
(2) Parashar
(3) Barahmihir
(4) Kalidas.

(vii). Which of the following is a Seed legume crop?

(1) Urd bean
(2) Cowpea
(3) Mothbean
(4) All the above.

(viii).Which of the following is the oldest book of Aryans ?

(1) Samveda
(2) Rigveda
(3) Garud Puran
(4) Ramayana.

(xi). C.T.R.I. is situated at

(1) Hyderabad
(2) Karnal
(3) Rajahmundry
(4) Trivendrum.

(x). Wind erosion is maximum in

(1) Rajasthan
(2) Haryana
(3) Pradesh
(4) None of the above.

Part 2

(i). CAZRI is located at

(1) Jaipur
(2) Jodhpur
(3) Jhansi
(4) New Delhi.

(ii). Which of the following is a Kharif crop?

(1) Wheat
(2) Sorghum
(3) Gram
(4) Mustard.

(iii). Non-selective herbicide is

(1) Paraquat
(2) Isoproturon
(3) Pendimethalin
(4) 2,4-D

(iv). Secondary tillage implement is

(1) MB plough
(2) Disc plough
(3) Ridge plough
(4) Disc harrow

(v). The word Agriculture is derived from

(1) Latiin
(2) Greek
(3) French
(4) Arab.

(vi). Which of the following is a green manure crop?

(1) Dhaincha
(2) Cowpea
(3) Sunhemp
(4) All the above

(vii). In sigmoid growth curve, first phase is called as

(1) Senescence
(2) Lag
(3) Log
(4) Plateau

(viii). The element which provide basic structure to the plants is

(1) Nitrogen
(2) Carbon
(3) Calcium
(4) Hydrogen

(xi). Which of the following is a fibre crop?

(1) Chickped
(2) Barley
(3) Cotton
(4) Cowpea.

(x). Which one of the following is a selective herbicide?

(1) Diquat
(2) Paraquat
(4) Glyphosate

Part 3

(i). Cuscuta is a

(1) Semi-root parasite
(2) Total stem parasite
(3) Total root parasite
(4) Semi-stem parasite.

(ii). Which of the following is a Rabi crop?

(1) Pearlmillet
(2) Green gram
(3) Sesamum
(4) Barley.

(iii). Father of Tillage is

(1) Jethro Tull
(2) H.H. Bennett
(3) S.S. Bains
(4) Reddison.

(iv). The most critical stage of irrigation in Wheat is

(1) Tillering stage
(2) Jointing stage
(3)LC.R.L. stage
(4) Flowering stage.

(v). The word Agronomy is derived from which language?

(1) German
(2) Greek
(3) Spanish
(4) Latin.

(vi). Which of the following is a Rabi crop?

(1) Pearlmillet
(2) Green gram
(3) Sesamum
(4) Barley.

(vii).The concept of Plant ideotype was given by

(1) Fisher
(2) Watson
(3) Donald
(4) Macy.

(viii). Criteria of essentiality of nutrients was given by

(1) Stainley
(2) Thompson
(3) H.H. Bennett
Arnon and Stout.

(xi). Nitrogen content in Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) is

(1) 17%
(2) 18%
(3) 19%
(4) 20%.

(x).Bronzing leaves is due to the deficiency of

(1) P 
(2) K
(3) Mn
(4) Mg.

True False Questions 36

(i). Mungbean is a green manuring crop. (True)
(ii). Groundnut is a pulse crop. (True) 
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(iii). The main agents causing erosion are soil and water. (True)
(iv). Sowing of crops parallel to the slope reduces soil erosion. (False)
(v). Wind erosion affects about 33 million hectare land in India. (False) 
(vi). In zero tillage, application of herbicide is essential. (True)
(vii). In conservation tillage, organic residues remain on the surface of the soil. (True)
(viii). Asian Agri-History Foundation is located at Secundrabad. (True)
(xi). Cowpea is a seed legume crop. (True)
(x). Pendimethalin is a non-selective herbicide.

Part 2

(i). Orabanche is a stem parasite.
(ii). Emitters are main componets in sprinkler method of irrigation.
(iii). Mole drains are used to provide irrigation water to the plants at desired depth.
(iv). Duration of light has no effect on crops. 
(v). Relative humidity does not influence the water requirement of the crop.
(vi). 2,4-D is a pre-emergence herbicide. 
(vii). Germination is an example of growth.
(viii). Sunflower is a long day plant.
(xi). India has been divided into 15 Agroclimatic zones.
(x). Parthenium (Cogress grass) can be successfully controlled by Zygogramma biocolorata.

Part 3

(i). Dhaincha is a green manure crop.
(ii). The growth rate of plant is measured by Auxanometer 
(iii). Kisan Khad is also known as Farm yard mature.
(iv). Blue-green algae is a biofertilizer
(v). Paraquat is a selective herbicide.
(vi). Dapog method of nursery raising is related to Tobacco.

Very Short Type Questions 41

Part 1 

Question 1: 
What is Agriculture? 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question 2: 
Minimum Tillage 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded 
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Question 3: 
Soil Fertility.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question 4:
Conservation Tillage.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question 5: 
Accelerated Erosion.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Part 2

Question : 
Rough Weed 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question :
Water use efficiency.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded


Question : 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question :
Integrated nutrient management.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded


Question : 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Dibler method. 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Oilseed crops.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question :
Drip method.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Primary plant nutrients
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Part 3

Question : 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Roguing in crop field 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Crop geometry.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question :
Minimum tillage.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Relative weed.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Part 4 

Question : 
Real value of Seed
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Sprinkler irrigation 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Brown manuring
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question :
Precision farming
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Zero Tillage.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded


Question : 
Which form of nitrogen is used by plant?
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
What is Atrazine? 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Writ the full form of IIPR. 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question :
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Define weed.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded


Question : 
How many nutrients are essential for plants?
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Write the formula of harvest index. 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
What is MCPB?
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question :
Define Crop.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded
Question : 
Give the full form of K.V.K.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Section B 36

Short Answer Type Questions 

Question : 

Write the importance of Agriculture in Indian economy.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write short note on factors affecting crop production.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded 
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Question : 

Differentiate between Tillage and Tilth.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write short note on Green manuring crops.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Differentiate between Growth and Development.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Differentiate between manures and fertilizers.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Mention harmful and beneficial effects of weeds.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write short note on plant ideotype.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write down the characteristics of good tilth. 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Scope of Agronomy.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Irrigation Efficiency.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Classify weeds according to host.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write down the factors affecting growth and development.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Describe Cultural method of weed control.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Describe the different types of tillage
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Describe Nutrient use efficiency
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write short note on different methods of drainage.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Define the term 'Agronomy' and its different management components
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

How could irrigation water efficiency be increased?
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What are the different indices of cropping system evaluation?
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Differentiate between 'Weed Control Efficiency' and 'Weed Index'.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Define the term 'Agronomy' and its different management components
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What are factors in soil responsible for water holding capacity and available soil mositure?
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Describe sigmoidal curve of crop growth.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Classify weeds on the basis of association
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

How planting geometry and depth of sowing affects plant population.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Difference between Zero and minimum tillage. 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Calculate the Intensity of the following crop rotations.
(1) Jowar-Barley
(ii) Bajra-Gram
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write short note on Rhizobium culture.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write a detail note on 'Harvesting and Threshing of crops'.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Describe the water resources.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Discuss the types of plant ideotype.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write the various water quality indices.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What are the differences between weed management and weed control. 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Calculate the intensity of the following crop rotations:
I. Maize-Mustard 
II. Paddy-Wheat
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Discuss in brief the Bio-fertilizer.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Section C 28 

Long Answer Type Questions 

Question : 

Define tillage? Write different types of tillage. Also mention modern concept of tillage.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write various criteria considered in evaluating the quality of irrigation water.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded 
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Question : 

Define integrated weed management. Describe various physical and chemical methods of weed control.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Define drainage. Write different methods of drainage in detail.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What do you mean by organic manures? Write classification of organic manures. Mention role of organic manure in improving soil productivity.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What is water requirement? Describe factors affecting water requirement.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Write different methods of sowing.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What do you mean by Scheduling of irrigation? Describe different approaches scheduling irrigation in crops.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What is Crop rotation? Describe the principles and advantages of crop rotation
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Define Weed. Classify the weeds on different basis, and describe them.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What are Primary tillage and Secondary tillage? What are different farm implements for these tillage operations? Briefly describe benefits of tillage.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What are the characteristics of weeds? What are harmful effects of weeds? Write about the concept of critical period of crop-weed competition.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Discuss objectives and types of tillage in detail. Also write modern concepts of tillage in brief
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Describe in detail about crop adaptation and distribution.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Give detailed account on Factors affecting Crop production. 
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Calculate the quantity of Urea, Double super Phosphate and Muriate of Potash to supply 110kg N, 70kg P and 50kg for a wheat crop.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Discuss crop-rotation. Which factors are responsible for influencing of crop rotation?
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What do you understand by weed? Explain the crop-weed competition in detail.:
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Define Irrigation. Discuss its various methods in detail..
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Define crop nutrition. classify the essential nutrients of plants and also give function of Sulphur, Magnesium and Calcium in plants.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Define herbicide. Classify herbicides
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What do you understand by Crop Geometry? Discuss the importance of crop geometry and also explain the various factors affecting the crop geometry
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Discuss the NUE. Write the concept and importance of NUE.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Define Seed. Write the various types of seeds. What are the differences between seed and grain?
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What is the criterion of essentiality of an element/nutrient for plant nutrition. Enlist all the plant nutrients. Also, give the functions of N, P and K.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

Calculate the quantity of Urea, single super phosphate and muriate of potash to supply 100 Kg N, 60 Kg P and 50Kg K for a crop.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What is Fertilizer? Describe the different methods of its application.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

What is Agronomy. Throw light on its scope.
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

Question : 

How many agro-chemical zones are found in India?
Answer: Will Be Uploaded

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I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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