- Theory
- Field Crops:
- Wheat: Rusts, loose smut, karnal bunt, powdery mildew. Alternaria blight and ear cockle; [Get Notes]
- Sugarcane: red rot, smut, wilt, grassy shoot and pokkah boeng. [Get Notes]
- Sunflower: Alternaria blight: [Get Notes]
- Mustard: Alternaria blight, white rust, downy mildew;[Get Notes]
- Gram: wilt and Ascochyta blight; [Get Notes]
- Lentil: Rust and wilt; [Get Notes]
- Cotton: Vascular wilt and black arm; [Get Notes]
- Pea: Downy mildew, powdery mildew and rust. [Get Notes]
- Horticultural Crops:
- Mango: Black tip, Anthracnose, malformation, powdery mildew; [Get Notes]
- Citrus: cankerand gummosis; [Get Notes]
- Grape vine: Downy mildew powdery mildew; [Get Notes]
- Peach: leaf curl; [Get Notes]
- Cucurbits: downy mildew, powdery mildew and wilt; [Get Notes]
- Onion and garlic: purple blotch and stemphylium blight; [Get Notes]
- Chilli: anthracnose and leaf curl: [Get Notes]
- Turmeric: leaf spot; [Get Notes]
- Marigold: Botrytis blight;
- Rose: dieback. powdery mildew;
- Potato: Early and late blight, common sqab. powdery scab, potato mosaic and black heart.[Get Notes]
Symptoms. etiology. disease cycle and management of major diseases of
following crops: