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Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology Notes PDF Download [English/Hindi]

Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology Notes in hindi and English
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  1.  Introduction of Biotechnology and Explanation of Plant Biotechnology  [Get Notes]
  2. Biotechnology in India [Will be uploaded] 
  3. Plant Tissue Culture  [Get Notes]
  4. Callus Culture   [Get Notes]
  5. Cell Suspension Culture  [Get Notes]
  6. Anther Culture   [Get Notes]
  7. Embryo Culture  [Get Notes]
  8. Shoot & Meristem Culture   [Get Notes]
  9. Ovary Culture & Ovule Culture  [Get Notes]
  10. Micropropagation  [Get Notes]
  11. Organogenesis  [Get Notes]
  12. Somatic Embryogenesis   [Get Notes]
  13. Somaclonal Variation  [Get Notes]
  14. Synthetic Seed  [Get Notes]
  15. Somatic Hybridization  [Get Notes]
  16. Transgenic Crop or Breeding   [Get Notes]
  17. Cybrids [Will be uploaded]   
  18. Genetic Engineering [Will be uploaded]  
  19. Restriction endonuclease [Will be uploaded] 
  20. Gene cloning [Will be uploaded] 
  21. Explanation of PCR [Will be uploaded]  
  22. Gene transfer Methods (Eg- Physical, Chemical or Agrobacterium) [Will be uploaded] 
  23. DNA Markers [Will be uploaded] 
  24. Marker Assisted Selection or Breeding [Will be uploaded] 
  25. Biotechnology Regulation [Will be uploaded] 
  26. [More Topics will be add in future]  
  27. Special Articles  
  28. 1. Bt cotton   
  29. 2. Golden rice
  30. 3. Flavr savr Tomato

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I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.

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