Introduction of Biotechnology and Explanation of Plant Biotechnology [Get Notes]
Biotechnology in India [Will be uploaded]
Plant Tissue Culture [Get Notes]
Callus Culture [Get Notes]
Cell Suspension Culture [Get Notes]
Anther Culture [Get Notes]
Embryo Culture [Get Notes]
Shoot & Meristem Culture [Get Notes]
Ovary Culture & Ovule Culture [Get Notes]
Micropropagation [Get Notes]
Organogenesis [Get Notes]
Somatic Embryogenesis [Get Notes]
Somaclonal Variation [Get Notes]
Synthetic Seed [Get Notes]
Somatic Hybridization [Get Notes]
Transgenic Crop or Breeding [Get Notes]
Cybrids [Will be uploaded]
Genetic Engineering [Will be uploaded]
Restriction endonuclease [Will be uploaded]
Gene cloning [Will be uploaded]
Explanation of PCR [Will be uploaded]
Gene transfer Methods (Eg- Physical, Chemical or Agrobacterium) [Will be uploaded]
DNA Markers [Will be uploaded]
Marker Assisted Selection or Breeding [Will be uploaded]
Biotechnology Regulation [Will be uploaded]
[More Topics will be add in future]
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About the Author
I'm an ordinary student of agriculture.