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In the present day, numerous students rely on the internet and various sources except test books. Unfortunately, they often come across false or misleading information. In my opinion, an illiterate individual is preferable to someone with inaccurate knowledge. Therefore, I have made the choice to share botany notes from reliable books and sources. Welcome to Agrobotany. We are a team of passionate and knowledgeable Agriculturist who love to share our insights and expertise with the world. Our mission is to provide you with high-quality and engaging content on various aspects of plant science, such as genetics, physiology, ecology, evolution, Biotechnology and more. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a researcher, or just a curious learner, you will find something interesting and useful on our website. We hope you enjoy browsing through our website and learning more about the amazing world of plants. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for choosing Agrobotany, We will Become the best website for botany lovers.

Notes According to Syllabus
Content provie as per syllabus, unnessary topic wil be avoided
All the notes are Available in PDF formate
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