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Crop Improvement - II (Rabi) Notes [Hindi/English] - Agrobotany


(Topic to be discussed in following crops:

Centers of origin, distribution of species, wild relatives in different crops: Major breeding objectives and procedures including conventional and modem innovative approaches for development of hybrids and varieties for yield, adaptability, stability, abiotic and biotic stress tolerance and quality (physical, chemical, nutritional); Hybrid seed production technology.


Wheat :








Cash crop:-


Vegetable crop.


Ideotype concept and climate resilient crop varieties for future.


Floral biology, emasculation and hybridization techniques in different crop species namely Wheat, Chickpea. pea, Rapeseed Mustard, Sunflower, Tomato: Handling of germplasm and segregating populations by different methods like pedigree, bulk and single seed decent methods; Study of field techniques for seed production and hybrid seeds production in Rub/ crops: Estimation of heterosis, inbreeding depression and heritability; Layout of field experiments: Study of quality characters, study of donor parents for different characters; Visit to seed production plots; Visit to AICRP plots of different field crops.

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