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Plant Physiology PDF | Notes

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  1. Introduction to Crop physiology and its importance in Agriculture
  2. Plant cell
  3. Diffusion  
  4. Osmosis
  5. Short Notes On Diffusion, Osmotic pressure, Turgor Pressure
  6. Absorption of water
  7. Transpiration
  8. Stomatal Physiology
  9. Respiration
  10. Glycolysis
  11. TCA cycle [Kreb's cycle]
  12. Electron transport chain
  13. Hexose Monophosphate Pathway (HMP) Shunt 
  14. Chemiosmosis PPT & PDF Download
  15. Mineral nutrition of Plants: 
  16. Nutrient uptake mechanisms; Functions and deficiency symptoms of nutrients, 
  17. Photosynthesis: Light and Dark reactions, C3. C4 and CAM plants;
  18. Fat Metabolism: Fatty acid synthesis and Breakdown; 
  19. Plant growth regulators: Physiological roles and agricultural uses, Photoperiodism and vernalisation.
  20. Physiological aspects of growth and development of major crops: 
  21. Growth analysis, Role of Physiological growth parameters in crop productivity.
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